Hal-hal Yang Perlu Kamu Ketahui Tentang Kanker Kulit

Things You Need To Know About Skin Cancer

Health 832

Cancer is a disease where the cells in the body grow out of control, if it occurs in skin cells it is called skin cancer. Skin cancer is included in the top 15 of common cancers in Indonesia, and become the number 1 type of cancer, that is most often found in United States. Everyone has the risk of getting skin cancer, although some people are at a higher risk. Here are some things you need to know about skin cancer. 

What Is Skin Cancer?


Skin is the largest organ that covers our entire body. As seen from the picture above, the skin consists of an outer layer (epidermis) and an inner layer (dermis). Cancer cells grow on the outer layer of the skin, as known as the epidermis, which consists of three types of cells, namely squamous cells, basal cells, and a layer of melanocyte cells, which produce skin color pigments.

Skin cancer is simply divided into two types, namely melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer, distinguished by the point at which cancer cells grow. If the cells grow from melanocyte cells, it is called a melanoma type of skin cancer and otherwise, it is called a non-melanoma type. Of all of the types, melanoma skin cancer is the most dangerous one, because of its tendency to spread to other parts of the body and can cause death if not get the right treatment immediately. In Indonesia, in 2018 there were 1,392 cases of melanoma skin cancer and 6,170 of non-melanoma skin cancers.

Who has a higher risk to get skin cancer?

Most cases of cancer are caused by overexposure to ultraviolet rays from the sun, tanning beds, and sun replacement lamps. Ultraviolet rays in short term will cause sunburn skin and in long term can cause changes in skin texture, premature aging, and even skin cancer. Everyone has a risk of getting skin cancer, but some groups of people are at a higher risk :

  1. People with lighter skin tone
  2. People who have blue or green eyes
  3. People with natural blonde or red hair color
  4. People who have lots of moles
  5. People with a history of skin cancer, both from family and personal

Symptoms of skin cancer       

The most common symptom is a change in the skin. There could be a difference until the emergence of a new mole. However, not all types of skin cancer have the same symptoms. You can use the following 5 simple questions as a self-assessment of skin cancer, especially the melanoma type.

  1. Are there moles or spots on the skin’s surface that are abstract and different from one another?
  2. Are the edges of a mole or spot on the skin jagged?
  3. Is the color of the moles or freckles on the skin uneven?
  4. Is the size of moles or freckles bigger than a pea?
  5. Have the moles or freckles frequently changed in the past few weeks?

Don’t let the fear of skin cancer affects you from having outdoor activities. You can reduce the risk of skin cancer in many ways, such as not wearing revealing clothes, applying sunscreen, and wisely choosing the right time to do outdoor activities. Call the doctor if you have skin problems, such as a wound that doesn't heal or signs according to the 5 questions above. Don't forget to read other health articles only on Newfemme!

Sources :

Division of Cancer Prevention and Control. (2022). Basic Information About Skin Cancer Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. [online]. https://www.cdc.gov/cancer/skin/basic_info/index.htm

Indonesia Cancer Care Community. (2022). Sekilas Kanker Kulit. Indonesia Care Community. [online]. https://iccc.id/sekilas-kanker-kulit



User NewFemme

Lailatul Fitriyah

23 May, 2023 14:11

nice artikel