Tips Mengurangi Risiko Kanker Kulit Saat Beraktivitas di Luar Ruangan

Tips to Reduce The Risk Of Skin Cancer When Doing Outdoor Activities

Health 655

Most cases of skin cancer are caused by excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays from the sun, tanning beds, or sunlamps. Ultraviolet rays in short term can cause sunburn skin and in long term can cause changes skin texture, premature aging, and even skin cancer. However, don't use this as an excuse not to go outside at all. Outdoor activities have many benefits, especially for getting vitamin D, reducing stress, and as a way to encourage an active and healthy lifestyle. Here are some tips you can do to stay active outside without increasing your risk of developing skin cancer.

  1. Always stay under the shade 

Doing outdoor activities doesn’t mean you have to bask under the hot sun. Stay under the shade as much as you can, to reduce the time your skin gets direct exposure to ultraviolet rays. For the examples, you can sit under the tree while you’re playing in the park, walking on the side of a path covered by a building's shadow, or even creating a shade for yourself by using an umbrella. Reduce direct sunlight exposure between 9 am until 4 pm.

  1. Wear the right type of clothes 

If possible, always wear long-sleeved shirts along with long pants or skirts because they can protect the skin from exposure to ultraviolet rays. You can also use your outers such as jackets, cardigans, or blazers for outdoor activities, if your clothes are limited, for example for certain events that require wearing a uniform with a short-sleeved shirt or skirt. Dry T-shirt or clothes have a better protection ability compared to the wet one. If you are often doing outdoor activities, you may consider having certified clothing to protect you from ultraviolet rays. 

  1. Use a hat

To get maximum protection, use a wide hat that can cover the face, ears, and back of the neck from the sun rays. Hats with tight materials, such as canvas, have better protection than those with lots of holes or cavities. If you use a baseball cap, make sure to also pay attention to the area that is not covered by the cap, like your ears and the back of the neck, you have to apply sunscreen for those area.

  1. Use sunglasses

Sunglasses are glasses that can protect the eyes from exposure to ultraviolet rays and reduce the risk of developing cataracts. Sunglasses also protect the soft skin around your eyes from sun rays. Choose sunglasses that have UVA and UVB protection features. 

  1. Apply sunscreen on your skin

Make it a habit to always apply sunscreen before you go outside. Use a sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) value above 30 and apply it to all parts of your body that are not covered by clothing. Reapply every 2 hours even on cloudy days, after swimming or sweating. Keep in mind that sunscreen is not an absolute protection tool, always combine sunscreen with other protective measures as mentioned above. There are many types of sunscreen that you can choose according to your skin type, your activity needs, or other supporting benefits such as being a moisturizer at the same time.

Although outdoor activities have so many benefits, we must prepare well and respond wisely. Don't force yourself to do activities in broad daylight if it's not urgent and can be shifted in the morning or evening. Avoid direct sunlight from 9 am to 4 pm as much as you can, because at that time the ultraviolet rays index value is at its peak.

Don't forget to read other health articles only on Newfemme!

Sources :

Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysical Agency. (2022). Ultraviolet (UV) Light Index.  Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysical Agency. [online].

Division of Cancer Prevention and Control. (2022). Sun Safety. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [online].


User NewFemme

Rey Musa

07 Jun, 2022 11:03

Wah cakep!