Mengapa Kram Perut Terjadi?

Why Do Stomach Cramps Happen?

Health 630

Ladies, have you ever experienced sudden and uncontrollable tension in your abdominal muscles? This feeling of tension in the abdominal muscles is often referred to as stomach cramps. Stomach cramps can make us feel uncomfortable and even painful, and anyone can experience stomach cramps.

What are the causes of stomach cramps? Check out the following article!

1. Food poisoning
Food poisoning can occur when you consume food contaminated with certain germs. Well, stomach cramps are one of the symptoms of food poisoning. In addition to cramps, people with food poisoning may experience the following symptoms:

  • Stomach ache
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • A fever

Symptoms of food poisoning are not immediately felt. It can appear within minutes, hours, or even days. Food poisoning is more common in the elderly, children under 5, pregnant women, and people with weakened immune systems. Most people get better without seeing a doctor.

If you have diarrhea, experts recommend drinking plenty of water to avoid dehydration. Rest and avoid foods that can cause poisoning. See a doctor if more severe symptoms develop, mainly if diarrhea occurs in a child less than 6 months old or an older adult with a chronic medical problem or a weakened immune system.

2. Gastroenteritis
People often refer to gastroenteritis as stomach flu. However, gastroenteritis is not caused by a cold virus but by a virus that attacks the stomach. Several types of viruses affect the stomach; one of the most common is norovirus.

Gastroenteritis and food poisoning have similar symptoms, namely cramps, so it is difficult to distinguish between them. Gastroenteritis is spread through close contact with someone with the virus, such as sharing food or utensils. Gastroenteritis can also be caused by consuming contaminated food and water. Unlike food poisoning, because a virus causes gastroenteritis, transmission can occur quickly, especially in the early days of infection. Other symptoms of gastroenteritis include:

  • Watery diarrhea
  • Stomach ache
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Muscle pain or headache
  • Mild fever

If you have gastroenteritis, there are several things you can do at home to prevent dehydration and make you feel better, such as avoiding solid foods and drinking plenty of fluids, whether water, soupy foods, or decaffeinated sports drinks. When consuming food, choose foods that are easy to consume, such as cookies, toast, jelly, pudding, and bananas. Don't force yourself to overeat. Stop eating if you feel nauseous. Don't forget to rest, as dehydration can make you feel weak and tired.

Most people with gastroenteritis get better within a few days but consult a doctor if you have severe dehydration.

3. Food allergy
Food allergies occur when the body's immune system defends itself against foods that are considered harmful. The most common food allergies are caused by foods that contain protein, such as shellfish, nuts, fish, eggs, and milk. If you know you are allergic to certain foods, you should avoid these foods.

Allergic reactions can be dangerous. This dangerous allergic reaction is called anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis can cause a sudden drop in blood pressure, difficulty swallowing, and shortness of breath. If not treated immediately, anaphylaxis can be fatal.

4. Food intolerance
Food intolerance occurs when the food consumed irritates the digestive system, or the body has difficulty breaking down food. The most common example of food intolerance is lactose intolerance, the sugar in milk, and other dairy products.

Symptoms of food intolerance can occur only when the food is consumed, causing prejudice in large quantities or with recurring frequency. Taking antacids can treat symptoms of food intolerance, including heartburn or stomach pain.

In general, stomach cramps are not severe and need not be diagnosed. Stomach cramps also often occur in women during menstruation. However, if stomach cramps are painful, occur repeatedly, or last more than a day, they may diagnose a more serious medical problem. If you experience this, try to see a doctor, ladies! Don't forget to rest well and consume foods that warm your stomach.

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Key, A. P. & Ratini, M. (2021). Stomach Cramps: Causes and Treatments. WebMD. [online].