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Tingling Sensation: What Causes It?

Health 181

Tingling, also known as paresthesia, is the feeling of numbness and tingling commonly occurring when a part of the body is in a certain position for too long. This happens because the position compresses the nerves and usually disappears within seconds. However, there are cases where tingling lasts longer and could indicate other issues, such as a pinched nerve or neurological disorders.

The most common areas to experience tingling are the arms, hands, legs, and calves, although some people feel tingling in areas like the mouth or chest (though there are likely other underlying causes).


As the name suggests, tingling feels like tiny pins or needles pricking. It is generally not painful but is interpreted as prickling, crawling, or burning sensations. Sometimes the limb can still move, but it may also become difficult.

1. Pressure

A common cause of tingling is blocked blood flow due to pressure on a certain part of the body. In this condition, blood flow stops, impeding nerve signals and causing the limb to "fall asleep." When the position is changed, blood flow returns to normal and nerve signals resume, causing the tingling sensation as the limb "wakes up."

2. Pinched Nerve   

Persistent tingling in one limb might be caused by a pinched nerve. This can be due to injuries like a pinched nerve or rheumatoid arthritis. Unlike typical tingling, this is often accompanied by muscle weakness and sharp or dull pain in the affected area.

3. Sciatica

Sciatica is a condition that causes pain to radiate along the sciatic nerve path (from the lower back through the hips and buttocks down each leg). This condition can be triggered by compression of the sciatic nerve, such as from a herniated disk, spinal canal narrowing, or other injuries compressing the nerve.

4. Peripheral Neuropathy

Peripheral neuropathy is a condition affecting the nerves in the feet or hands. It is often caused by diabetes, vitamin deficiencies, or excessive alcohol use. Certain medications, such as antibiotics and chemotherapy, can also cause peripheral neuropathy. Symptoms like weakness, imbalance, and muscle atrophy usually accompany this condition.

5. Hyperventilation

When anxious or nervous, we tend to breathe more quickly. This is called hyperventilation and can feel like a panic attack. Hyperventilation can cause tingling around the lips and in the feet and hands.

6. Multiple Sclerosis

In some cases, tingling can be a sign of multiple sclerosis (due to damage to the brain or spinal cord). This is usually accompanied by other symptoms such as loss of balance, muscle spasms, muscle weakness, and fatigue.

When to Consult a Doctor? 

Tingling is usually harmless and temporary, but there are signs to watch for. For example, if tingling is accompanied by other symptoms like muscle weakness, tremors, double vision or dizziness, difficulty breathing or speaking, difficulty walking, sleep disturbances, or if it appears suddenly without a clear reason. 

Tingling is a common numbness and tingling that occurs when a part of the body is in a certain position for too long, compressing nerves and impeding blood flow. Although it is usually harmless and temporary, tingling can also signify serious problems. Consult Newfemme if you experience other accompanying symptoms.