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How to Prevent Your Child from Getting Motion Sickness While Traveling

Parenting 647

Motion sickness in children is one of the fears that parents experience when taking their children on long trips. When motion sickness comes, children tend to feel unwell and even become cranky.

Therefore, this time Newfemme will share several tips you can do to prevent your child from getting motion sickness. Here's the review:

  1. Provide a suitable and comfortable sitting position for the children

One of the main causes of motion sickness is an improper sitting position and the shaking that occurs during the trip. So, providing an appropriate and comfortable sitting position is the main way so that children do not experience motion sickness.

Sit your child in the middle back seat, so that his gaze is straight ahead. Then, rest the child's head in the center to prevent his head from moving due to shocks in the car.

  1. Take anti-nausea medication

Taking anti-nausea medication can be one solution that you can use to prevent your child from getting motion sickness. Make sure the child takes anti-nausea medication that is safe and suitable for use by children, then give this medication to the child about an hour before the trip.

  1. Make sure the air in the vehicle is always fresh

The shock that occurs in the vehicle and the unpleasant odor is the perfect combination that will cause a child to get motion sickness.

Avoid bringing anything with a bad smell in the car and try to prevent other passengers from smoking in the car.

  1. Don't read books or play with gadgets

Traveling long distances can be tedious, either for you or for your child. But you should still avoid reading books or playing with gadgets in the car while traveling long distances because it can trigger motion sickness in children.

Distract your child with a chat, word game, listening to music, singing, or anything else that doesn’t give a risk of causing motion sickness.

  1. Pay attention to what your child eats before going on a long trip

An empty stomach and a stomach that is too full are also triggers for children to experience motion sickness. Therefore, you should always make sure the child's stomach is filled, but also not too full before starting a long journey.

You can also provide chewing gum, water, and ginger candy to help children experience nausea caused by motion sickness.

So, you don't have to worry anymore if you are going to take your child on a long trip.

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