Tips Mengatasi Anak yang Sedang Tantrum

Tips for Overcoming a Tantrum Child

Parenting 650

Tantrums are conditions in which children express their frustrations and emotions by crying, screaming, throwing things, hitting, and rolling on the floor. Actually, this condition is a natural condition for a small child. However, when children experience tantrums, they often don’t know the place and conditions so their parents become stressed.

Therefore, this time Newfemme will share some tips that you can use when your child is having a tantrum:

  1. Control your emotions

Frequently, when children experience tantrums, parents become emotional and even scold children. In fact, scolding a child who is in a tantrum is not a good thing and will instead make the child understand that anger is a way to solve a problem.

Don't let your child's tantrums lead to emotional outbursts, so make sure to always control your emotions and try to calm your child down.

  1. Ensure child’s safety

When a child has a tantrum, usually the child has the potential to throw things and hit something, make sure the child's safety is always maintained. The reason is, that if a child has a tantrum near the glass or mirror, potentially broken objects and a power source will be very dangerous to the safety of the child.

But also avoid pulling the child strongly, especially if you have to hit him because it will be dangerous for the child's condition and risk causing injury to the child.

  1. Do not give the child's wishes when experiencing a tantrum

If you give the wishes of a child who is experiencing a tantrum, the child will think that tantrums are a powerful way to fulfill his wishes. If that's the case, the child will always use tantrums as a method to get what he wants.

  1. Give a touch of love to the child

Parents are encouraged to give a touch of love to the child when the child has a tantrum. In fact, providing affectionate touches such as stroking a child's hair, stroking his back, and giving a hug is a powerful way to calm a child's tantrum.

  1. Give the child time to calm down

If a tantrum occurs at home, you can give your child time to calm down for a few minutes by ignoring and disobeying everything he wants.

If the tantrum occurs outside the home and conditions are not possible for giving him some time, invite your child to move to a quieter place and then give the child time to calm down.

So, those are tips that you can use when your child has a tantrum.

But don't worry, if the tantrum is still within the limits of normal behavior it is a normal thing experienced by a small child, so you don't need to worry about your child's condition.

Hope it helps!