Menghilangkan Kebiasaan Mengompol Pada Anak

Stop the Habit of Bedwetting in Children

Parenting 662

Surely many parents are concerned if their children still have a habit of wetting the bed while sleeping, even though they are now starting to grow up.

Wetting the bed while sleeping is a normal condition for children, especially until they are 7 years old. Bedwetting is a normal condition and part of a child's growth and development.

But it is good for us as parents to pay attention and help their growth and development. Helping children get out of bedwetting while sleeping is also a good thing.

Newfemme will summarize some of the ways you can get rid of the habit of bedwetting in children. Here's how:

  1. Control Your Children's Drinking Intake

The first way you can use is to regulate your children's daily drinking intake. You can teach them to drink more water during the day and limit drinking it at night.

This is to reduce the bladder that is actively overworked at night and may cause the children to pee in their beds while sleeping.

  1. Pee Before Bedtime

You should of course apply this to your children if you want to help them to stop wetting the bed while sleeping.

In addition to urinating, you should also teach your children to urinate regularly during the day and teach them not to hold up the urine.

  1. Avoid scolding your children

If the child still can't stop the habit of wetting the bed while sleeping, avoid scolding your children. Scolding or punishing them so that he or she stops wetting the bed is not a good way for a child to grow and develop.

  1. Make sure the toilet is easily accessible

Possibly the cause of the children's bedwetting is the condition of the toilet that is far from their room or they are afraid to go to the toilet alone at night.

If this is the case, you should always make sure that your children sleep in a place where you have easy access to the toilet or let them wake you up to accompany them to the toilet at night.

  1. Praise them if they did not wet the bed

Praises are a good thing for children when they are learning and in their growth phase. Therefore, giving compliments when they did not wet the bed at night is also good for them and can motivate them to try harder so that they cannot go to bed more often at night.

Thank you!

Hope it helps!