7 Sumber Asam Folat yang Baik untuk Ibu Hamil

7 Good Sources of Folic Acid for Pregnant Women

Health 566

Folate or folic acid is highly important for women who are planning to conceive, pregnant women, and breastfeeding mothers. This nutrient is beneficial in reducing the risk of neural tube defects, DNA and RNA synthesis, cell growth, and preventing anemia. Based on the Indonesian Ministry of Health's Dietary Reference Intakes for Indonesians 2019, here are the daily folate requirements:

  • Women aged ≥ 19 years: 400 mcg
  • Pregnant women in trimester 1, trimester 2, and trimester 3: 400+200 mcg
  • Breastfeeding mothers in the first 6 months and second 6 months: 400+100 mcg

Pregnant women require additional daily folic acid intake, one of which is to prevent neural tube defects.

Sources of daily folate can be obtained from various types of foods, but some are also added to food or consumed in supplement form, which can be easier to absorb. Typically, this content will be listed on the packaging label. However, the folate contained in natural foods is equally important. What are they? Here's the list.

1. Beef Liver and Chicken

Liver Beef liver is one of the high folate sources. This food contains 212 mcg of folate in 3 ounces. Additionally, beef liver also contains other vitamins such as A and B12, as well as minerals like copper. Besides beef liver, chicken liver is also high in folate, with 259 mcg per 44 grams.

2. Eggs

Eggs, one of the affordable and readily available foods. One large egg contains about 22 mcg of folate. In addition to being a source of folic acid, eggs also contribute to protein intake, vitamin B2, B12, and selenium. Therefore, eggs are good to consume daily.

3. Dark Green Leafy Vegetables

Dark green leafy vegetables are a good source of folate. Some easily accessible ones include spinach (130 mcg per ½ cup cooked) and kale (47 mcg per ½ cup cooked). Additionally, this nutrient is also found in Brussels sprouts (78 mcg per ⅓ cup cooked).

4. Citrus Fruits

In addition to containing high levels of vitamin C, citrus fruits can also be a source of daily folic acid. When consumed in their natural form, 1 small orange contains 29 mcg of folate, while if consumed in juice form (preferably homemade), it contains about 35 mcg per ¾ cup.

5. Beets, Papayas, and Bananas

Not only are their colors beautiful, but beets are also considered a good source of folate. One cup of beets contains about 148 mcg of folate. Additionally, beets are also rich in antioxidants, vitamin C, potassium, and manganese. Besides beets, papaya (27 mcg per ½ cup) and bananas (24 mcg per 1 medium-sized fruit) can also be a source of folate intake.

6. Broccoli

This tree-shaped green vegetable contains 52 mcg of folate per ½ cup. Additionally, broccoli is also high in vitamins C, K, and A, as well as minerals like manganese.

7. Legumes and Seeds

Legumes and seeds can not only be a source of protein but can also help fulfill daily folate needs. Cooked peas contain 47 mcg per ½ cup, red beans contain 46 mcg per ½ cup, peanuts contain 29 mcg per 1 ounce, walnuts contain 28 mcg per 1 ounce, and flaxseeds contain 24 mcg per 1 ounce of folate.

So, folate or folic acid is crucial for the body, especially for women planning to conceive, pregnant women, and breastfeeding mothers. Sources include beef liver, eggs, dark green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, beets, broccoli, legumes, and seeds. Meet the requirements from natural foods and fortified foods. If unable to meet them from both, consider taking supplements, but it's better to consult with a doctor or nutritionist first.

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