Amnesia: Pengertian, Gejala, dan Jenis

Amnesia: Definition, Symptoms, and Types

Health 393

Amnesia occurs when a person loses their memories, such as identity, events, people they know, and important knowledge or facts they have learned. In some cases, people only remember within a certain time frame and forget what happened afterward. On the other hand, there are also cases where a person loses their memory before a certain time.

However, many people can still remember their own name. Amnesia does not cause a person to forget how to perform everyday tasks, such as getting dressed, reading, or bathing. This memory loss can come on suddenly and last anywhere from a few hours to a lifetime. Symptoms are as follows:

  • Forgetting personal identity

  • Forgetting past events, information, education, and experiences

  • Memory loss before amnesia occurs or after amnesia occurs

  • False memories (self-created or with errors in time and place)

  • Partial or complete memory loss

Amnesia is a condition of losing memories, such as identity, events, experiences, knowledge, and familiar people.


There are several types of amnesia, each of which is distinguished by the type of memory loss it causes, including past or future experiences, information, and learning. Generally and most commonly, there are two types of memory loss, but there are also other types that are caused by different contributing factors. 

  • Anterograde Amnesia (the most common type related to short-term memory): impairs the ability to learn and recall new information. In this condition, a person can remember past experiences, but it is difficult for them to form new memories.

  • Retrograde Amnesia (the most common type related to long-term memory): impairs the ability to recall information that was learned or experienced before the onset of the disease. 

  • Temporary Global Amnesia: sudden and brief memory loss (1 to 10 hours, unable to make new memories). Typically occurs in the elderly or begins in middle age.

  • Post-traumatic Amnesia: unable to remember who and where one is, and what caused the memory loss. Typically occurs due to brain injury, such as in cases of stroke, head trauma, or coma.

  • Dissociative Amnesia: unable to remember important elements of one's own identity and life. Generally occurs due to severe trauma or psychological stress.

  • Post-hypnotic Amnesia: unable to remember the events of being hypnotized.

  • Alcohol-Induced Amnesia: unable to remember what has passed after drinking excessive amounts of alcohol.

  • Drug-induced Amnesia: temporary memory loss. Generally occurs due to the use of certain drugs, such as anesthetics.

  • Prosopamnesia: not being able to remember faces, even after seeing them repeatedly. Generally occurs from birth.

Amnesia can cause a person to forget their identity, but some do not.


Amnesia occurs because an illness or event affects the area of the brain responsible for processing memory. Causes of memory loss due to medical conditions include stroke, inflammation of the brain, lack of oxygen, carbon dioxide poisoning, alcohol abuse, tumors, head injuries, surgery, drugs, and trauma such as violence, abuse, or any event that causes severe psychological distress.


To confirm the diagnosis of amnesia, the doctor must rule out any neurological or psychological problems that may be causing the memory loss, such as dementia or depression. Some common tests include a physical examination, medical history, cognitive exam, laboratory tests, electroencephalogram (a test of the brain's electrical activity), MRI, or CT scan.


Treatment for amnesia is based on the type of amnesia. For example, by treating a specific medical condition or with several therapies such as cognitive behavioral therapy, occupational therapy, dietary supplements, hypnosis, or meditation. In addition, family support is also important, for example by showing familiar photos, smells, or music.

So, amnesia is when a person loses their memory, whether it is related to identity, known people, events, experiences, or knowledge. What's important is that, as a close relative, we should provide extra support, for example by showing familiar photos, smells, or music. 


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