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Passive Smokers, Not Healthier than Active Smokers

Health 429

Passive smoking is a definition for someone who inhales the smoke of cigarettes or other tobacco products smoked by another person unintentionally. Cigarette smoke includes smoke that is exhaled, produced by the end of a cigarette or vape, as well as smoke that remains after a cigarette or other tobacco product has been extinguished.

Health Effects for Passive Smokers

Exposure to cigarette smoke is not only uncomfortable, but also damaging to health. The smoke not only enters the lungs, but also the surrounding air, even more. A passive smoker is at risk of developing the same diseases as an active smoker, with fetuses and children falling into the vulnerable group. Here are the medical conditions:

Health risks in passive smokers are no less dangerous than active smokers

1. Lung Cancer

Of course, lung cancer is the health impact that comes to mind. However, this is not always the case. More secondhand smokers die from heart disease than lung cancer. However, the risk of lung cancer is higher if one lives with active smokers. 

2. Other cancers

Not only lung cancer, but there are also other types of cancer that many passive smokers suffer from, such as head and neck cancer, bladder, kidney, esophagus, pancreas, and acute myelogenous leukemia. Furthermore, one study reported that the risk of cervical cancer is increased in secondhand smoke.

3. Heart Disease and Stroke

Passive smokers have a 25-30% risk of heart disease and 20-30% of stroke. Keep in mind that there is absolutely no minimum exposure to smoke from cigarettes, even less than 30 minutes of exposure can cause changes in blood vessels associated with heart disease. So, not being exposed is the most important thing to avoid all kinds of smoking-related diseases. 

4. Lung Infections or Illnesses

Respiratory system diseases that can arise in secondhand smoke are asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). In addition, those who already have an infection in the lungs, such as pneumonia, are more likely to be admitted to intensive care and require a ventilator for breathing assistance.

5. Pregnancy Complications and Birth Defects

Sudden death syndrome is one of the high risks in young children who act as passive smokers. In addition, exposure to cigarette smoke during pregnancy will increase the risk of miscarriage, stillbirth, low birth weight, and congenital heart defects. Whether it is being an active or passive smoker, both are equally harmful to the fetus.

Protect the Little One

It has been mentioned several times before, children are a vulnerable group to the effects of cigarette smoke. This is because their respiratory tract, lungs, and immune system are not as strong as adults. Children who live with smoking parents have a high risk of developing:

  • Asthma

  • Pneumonia

  • Bronchitis

  • Meningitis

  • Ear infections

  • Cough and runny nose

Let's provide extra protection so that your little one is not exposed to cigarette smoke

Avoiding exposure to cigarette smoke may sound impossible, especially since in 2021, the Ministry of Health reported that the number of active smokers in Indonesia reached 69.1 million. There are many smoke-free areas available, but it is still difficult to be completely free from exposure and not everyone is willing to quit smoking. What do ladies think? Do you have any tips to share? Let's share!


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