Dua Jenis Protein yang Baik dan Terjangkau

Two Types of Good and Affordable Proteins

Health 711

Animal Protein

Generally, protein is divided into 2 types: animal and plant-based. Animal protein has more advantages because it contains more complete amino acids and its nutritional content is more easily absorbed by the body (high quality). However, animal protein usually contains more cholesterol and saturated fats compared to plant-based protein.

Beef, chicken, fish, eggs, and milk are good and easily accessible sources of animal protein.

1. Beef

Beef is a good source of protein, but its consumption also needs to be limited due to its saturated fat content. Therefore, choose lean beef or remove as much fat as possible when preparing it. One serving of beef (35 grams) contains about 7 grams of protein. Additionally, beef also contains a relatively high amount of iron to aid in the delivery of oxygen throughout the body.

2. Chicken

Beef may be more expensive than chicken, but it doesn't mean chicken is inferior as a protein source. One medium-sized serving of chicken (40 grams) contributes about 7 grams of protein. However, if consumed with its skin, the fat intake also increases. Chicken breast is a part of the chicken that can provide protein intake with minimal fat.

3. Eggs

Eggs are one of the most accessible and affordable foods, packed with nutrients. Besides protein, eggs also contain healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals. One chicken egg contains about 6-7 grams of protein, making it a good source for daily consumption.

4. Fish

Fresh fish is equally great. Most people know that salmon is an excellent fish, but we shouldn't forget that there are many other types that are also good, such as mackerel, tilapia, catfish, snakehead, tuna, and more. One serving of fish weighing 30-40 grams contains about 6-7 grams of protein.

5. Milk

For those who are not allergic to cow's milk, it can be a source of protein, although it may not be a staple food. One glass of cow's milk (200 grams) contains about 7 grams of protein. In addition to protein, milk also contains calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D which are good for bones.

Plant-Based Protein

Plant-based protein has advantages because it contains more unsaturated fats compared to animal-based types. Additionally, this type usually contains isoflavones, which act as antioxidants, cholesterol-lowering agents, and are similar to estrogen hormones. However, its absorption is not as good as animal protein (lower quality).

Tofu and tempeh are good and affordable sources of plant-based protein.

1. Tofu

Tofu is a good source of plant-based protein. Two medium-sized blocks of tofu (100 grams) contain about 6 grams of protein. Additionally, it contains calcium and small amounts of potassium and iron. Tofu also does not contain cholesterol. With its affordable price, tofu can be processed into various types of food because it tends to absorb flavors well.

2. Tempeh

Fortunately for Indonesia, tempeh is one of the most easily available and affordable sources of plant-based protein. Two medium-sized blocks of tempeh (50 grams) contain about 6 grams of protein. In addition to protein, tempeh is also a source of folic acid and vitamin B12. Additionally, tempeh does not contain cholesterol.

3. Legumes

In addition to tofu and tempeh, which are actually also made from legumes, there are also other types that are equally good for daily protein sources, such as red beans, mung beans, peanuts, or cashews. Two and a half tablespoons of legumes contain about 6 grams of protein. These legumes can be boiled to be used as snacks or processed into other dishes.

So, there are 2 types of protein: animal (meat, eggs, seafood, milk) and plant-based (tofu, tempeh, legumes). Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, their consumption in daily life needs to be combined with other foods, such as carbohydrates, vegetables, and fruits. Which one do you often eat, ladies?

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