Makanan yang Dapat Meningkatkan Gula Darah: Penderita Diabetes Harus Hati-hati

Foods that can raise blood sugar: Diabetics Should Be Careful

Health 722

1. White Wheat

Foods made from refined wheat, such as white bread, pasta, and rice, are examples of processed carbohydrate sources, indicating that their fiber content has been significantly reduced during the production process. However, fiber content itself can slow down the digestion process of these foods, helping to maintain stable blood sugar levels.

Therefore, the alternative is to switch to whole grain options, such as whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, brown rice, or quinoa. However, this doesn't mean that diabetes sufferers cannot consume them. They can be combined with healthy fats, lean proteins, or non-starchy vegetables.

Refined wheat products can spike blood sugar levels higher.

2. Sugary Drinks

Sugary drinks generally have high sugar content, including soda, sweet tea, fruit juices, and other flavored beverages readily available in supermarkets. Therefore, people with diabetes are advised to increase their intake of plain water. However, if accustomed to consuming sugary drinks, try adding some fresh fruit slices to a water bottle.

3. Fast Food

Who doesn't love fast food? It's no surprise that many people enjoy these foods, sometimes even making them a daily habit. Many people believe that fast food falls under the category of unhealthy foods due to its high calorie and fat content.

However, the sugar content is also high, potentially equivalent to the sugar found in candy bars, thus posing the potential to cause blood sugar spikes. If not ready to completely eliminate fast food consumption, try reducing portions and adding a side dish of salad.

Fast food not only contains high calories and fats but also sugar.

4. Fruit 

Fruits are indeed healthy foods, packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber. While beneficial, consuming fruits in large amounts can also increase blood sugar levels, so intake needs to be monitored. However, this doesn't mean that diabetes sufferers should avoid fruit consumption; that's a misconception.

The best way to consume them is by choosing fresh or frozen fruits and avoiding processed fruits, such as canned or dried fruits. Why? Firstly, canned fruits are typically soaked in sweet syrup. Secondly, for example, one small dried fruit contains the same amount of sugar as one fresh fruit, but the amount consumed is likely to be much higher, so fresh fruit is preferable.

5. Starchy Vegetables

Starchy vegetables have higher carbohydrate content, so their consumption can cause blood sugar spikes, such as potatoes, corn, and sweet potatoes. However, once again, this doesn't mean that diabetes sufferers should completely eliminate them from their daily diet.

This is because these foods still provide good nutritional content and sometimes contain higher fiber content. Starchy vegetables can still be consumed as a source of daily carbohydrate intake, but it's better to combine them with healthy fats and lean proteins.

6. Non-Dairy Milk

Non-dairy milk, such as oat milk, generally has very high sugar content, but it is an option for those with lactose intolerance, vegan, or those who dislike cow's milk. Therefore, consumption needs to be monitored if a person with diabetes also has the same condition. Alternatively, choose milk made from almonds or soy.

So, there are many foods in everyday life that can increase blood sugar levels in diabetes sufferers, namely white wheat, sugary drinks, fast food, fruit, starchy vegetables, non-dairy milk. Consumption may still be allowed, but it needs to be combined with other types, such as lean proteins and healthy fats. Let's read other Newfemme articles!

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