Mengapa Multiple Sclerosis Lebih Banyak Menyerang Wanita?

Why Does Multiple Sclerosis Affect More Women?

Health 994

Multiple sclerosis is a condition that attacks the central nervous system, causing communication disorders between the brain and the rest of the body. Cases of multiple sclerosis are more common in women than men, with a ratio of almost 4:1, and the gap has widened in the last 50 years.

Although experts still don't know the exact reason why multiple sclerosis can occur, several theories can explain the influence of gender on this condition.

Immune System Differences

Women's immune systems work differently than men's and are more likely to develop autoimmune diseases. In fact, 7 out of 10 people with autoimmune diseases are women. An autoimmune disease is a disease that occurs when the immune system attacks healthy cells in the body.

The difference between the female and male immune systems may lie in the amount of interleukin-33 (IL-33) protein in a person's immune system. These proteins help cells in the immune system communicate with each other to fight infection. A study says that men produce more IL-33 protein than women when dealing with infections.

This is believed to be the reason why women have a greater chance of developing autoimmune diseases.

Nervous System Differences

Men tend to get more nerve damage from multiple sclerosis than women. Researchers think this is caused by the level of the hormone estrogen, which is naturally produced more by a woman's body. This raises new questions for researchers, whether the hormone estrogen can protect nerves in some way.


Mutations in certain genes also called major histocompatibility complex (MHC), may also increase the risk of multiple sclerosis. A study says that women with multiple sclerosis tend to have related gene changes more than men.

In addition, daughters also have a greater chance of inheriting the gene from their mothers than boys. However, the gene factor itself is not the cause of multiple sclerosis. Lifestyles, such as diet, smoking habits, stress, and the amount of sunlight received, influence the behavior of linked genes.

Body fat

Obesity, especially in the form of belly fat, can cause inflammation that has a role in multiple sclerosis. Inflammation due to obesity is more common in women than in men. This is caused by women who tend to have more body fat and are more likely to be obese. Researchers believe the high number of cases of multiple sclerosis in women has something to do with the total percentage of body fat.

Hindari Obesitas Dengan Menjaga Indeks Massa Tubuh Di Rentang Normal

Avoid obesity by keeping your body mass index within the normal range.

Although until now, there is still no medicine that can cure multiple sclerosis, the symptoms can be alleviated with proper treatment. People with multiple sclerosis are advised to keep in touch with their doctors, continue to learn about their condition, and find out what makes them feel better.


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Ellis, R. R. & Nazario, B. (2022). Why Multiple Sclerosis Affects More Women Than Men. [online].