Diet Untuk Orang dengan Multiple Sclerosis

Diet For People With Multiple Sclerosis

Health 1189

Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease that slowly damages the protective covering of nerve fibers so that it can cause communication disorders between the brain and the body. More than 2.1 million people have at least this condition, and the cases mostly affect women. The number of cases is 2-3 times more than those in men.

Although until now, there has not been found a cure for it, the symptoms of multiple sclerosis can be alleviated if it is handled properly, including paying attention to the food consumed.

How can food choices affect multiple sclerosis?

Currently, there are no official eating guidelines for people with multiple sclerosis. However, researchers believe that a combination of genetics and environment is part of the cause of the development of this disease, including the intake of nutrients consumed.

Watching what you eat can prevent or control disease progression, help manage symptoms, and reduce relapse for people with multiple sclerosis.

Ideally, people with multiple sclerosis should add foods high in antioxidants to fight inflammation, foods high in fiber to improve digestion, adequate calcium and vitamin D to prevent osteoporosis, and a variety of vitamins and minerals to support overall health.

Conversely, people with multiple sclerosis should also limit their intake of foods that can cause inflammation and worsen overall health.

Good food for people with multiple sclerosis

In particular, multiple sclerosis-friendly foods are supposed to help manage disease progression and aim to minimize the effect its symptoms have on the overall quality of life. Foods that are friendly for people with multiple sclerosis include the following:

  1. Fruits and vegetables.
  2. Wheat.
  3. Grains.
  4. Fish, especially fresh fish, contain fish oil, such as salmon and mackerel, due to their high omega-3 and vitamin D levels.
  5. All red meat, especially the beef liver, has high levels of vitamin D and biotin.
  6. Chicken eggs.
  7. Dairy products.
  8. Good fats are obtained from olive oil, coconut oil, and avocado oil.
  9. Foods are rich in probiotics, such as yogurt, kefir, and kimchi.
  10. Herbs and spices.

In short, eating guidelines for people with multiple sclerosis are similar to a nutritionally balanced diet for most people. However, more emphasis is placed on consuming more plant-based foods and whole grains. This is because plant foods contain more fiber, vitamins, minerals, and fluids which can help relieve symptoms of multiple sclerosis, such as constipation, fatigue, and impaired bladder function.

Makanan Berbasis Tumbuhan Alias Nabati Memiliki Banyak Manfaat Bagi Orang Dengan Multiple Sclerosis

Plant-based foods have many benefits for people with multiple sclerosis.

Foods to avoid

While the multiple sclerosis-friendly food recommendations allow for many tasty and nutrient-rich food choices, certain food groups still need to be limited to manage multiple sclerosis symptoms. The following is a list of foods that people with multiple sclerosis should avoid:

  1. Processed meat products include sausages, canned meat, and smoked meat.
  2. Refined carbohydrates, such as bread, pasta, and crackers.
  3. Fried food.
  4. Highly processed foods include fast food, chips, and frozen meals.
  5. Foods containing trans fats.
  6. Drinks with added sugar, such as energy drinks, soda, and sweet tea.
  7. Alcohol.

Makanan Berbasis Tumbuhan Alias Nabati Memiliki Banyak Manfaat Bagi Orang Dengan Multiple Sclerosis(1)

Consumption of fast food should be limited.

To complete the food guidelines above, people with multiple sclerosis can also consider buying pre-cut ingredients, rearranging the kitchen layout, and preparing food when they have free time to make the cooking process easier.

Also, make sure to eat enough food. Lack of calories can cause fatigue, and don't hesitate to ask for help if you need it, Ladies.


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Raman, R., Northrop, A. & Kubala, J. (2021). Multiple Sclerosis and Diet: All You Need to Know. [online].