Kenali Penyebab dan Cara Mengatasi Milia di Wajah 

Understanding the Causes and How to Overcome Milia on the Face

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Milia are small white bumps that grow on areas of the face such as the nose, cheeks, and under the eyes. Milia are included in epidermoid cysts, which are harmless and can disappear without treatment. Although milia are not dangerous, this condition will reduce a person's confidence. For that, Ladies need to know the factors that can cause milia and how to deal with them.

What are milia?

Close up Skin Pores during Face Care Routine (1)

Milia are small bumps that grow under the skin in groups, unlike milium, which grows only one. The appearance of milia on the face is caused by keratin trapped on the lower surface of the skin. In general, this condition is not dangerous because it can disappear by itself without taking any treatment.

Milia is divided into several types depending on age, cause, and location where it appears. The category is divided into two, namely primary and secondary. Primary milia form directly from keratin trapped under the skin. Meanwhile, secondary milia develop when there is a blockage of the duct that leads to the surface of the skin, such as after experiencing an injury, burn, or blister.

Causes of milia

Milia that appear on the face of adults can occur when dead skin cells get trapped under the skin and can develop if the skin's natural ability to exfoliate is lost. This condition occurs as a result of continuing to grow older. Some of the causes are as follows:

  • Blistered skin due to various health problems
  • Burns caused by prolonged exposure to sunlight
  • The skin blisters due to exposure to poison
  • Long-term use of steroid creams
  • Have had laser or dermabrasion procedures to repair the skin layer

How to deal with milia

Close up Skin Pores during Face Care Routine

Milia can disappear on their own within a few weeks, but if you feel it interferes with your appearance, don't do it yourself at home by squeezing it to remove it, ladies, because this can irritate the skin. You can use several facial skin care products, such as exfoliates that contain salicylic acid, retinoids or alpha hydroxy acids, which can help remove dead skin cells.

If you have problems with facial skin, such as acne and blackheads, you may be at risk of having milia as well, but milia will also be experienced by people who don't have acne problems.

Many people think these small bumps are included in comedogenic acne, but they are not. These lumps are different from acne. Acne and blackheads can develop when pores are clogged and will disappear in a matter of days or weeks, while milia are not in the pores and will disappear over a longer period, which can be months or even years.

Now you can tell the difference, ladies. Which categories include acne and not? To prevent and reduce problems with facial skin, ladies, you can apply a healthy diet and lifestyle!