Memahami Autism Spectrum Disorder (Bagian I)

Unraveling Autism Spectrum Disorder (Part I)

Health 646

Did you know that the prevalence of autism is on the rise worldwide? Recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that the number of children with autism in the United States increased by 1.5% from 2012 to 2014. Importantly, autism does not discriminate; it can affect anyone, regardless of their social, economic, cultural, or ethnic background.

In this article, we'll dive into the basics to help you better understand autism, a condition that impacts approximately 1 in 160 children across the globe.

Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder

In the medical realm, autism is called autism spectrum disorder (ASD). ASD is a developmental disorder that affects brain development, shaping an individual's perception of their surroundings and social abilities. Children with ASD often face challenges in communication interaction and frequently exhibit repetitive and restricted behavior patterns.

Signs of autism can manifest in a child before their first birthday. However, in some cases, symptoms may only become evident after a child reaches the age of 24 months, and developmental progress may stall or even regress. As they grow, individuals with ASD may struggle with forming friendships, communicating with others, and grasping appropriate social behavior.

Symptoms and Signs of Autism

Autism is a highly diverse condition, with every individual displaying distinct behavioral patterns and varying levels of severity. While some children exhibit symptoms from an early age, such as reduced eye contact, unresponsiveness to their name, and a preference for solitary play, others may develop typically during their initial months but then suddenly display regressive behavior, including a loss of previously acquired communication skills.

Here are some common symptoms of autism based on communication abilities and behavior patterns:

Communication and Interaction Skills

Children or adults with autism may face difficulties in social interactions and communication. Some common signs include:

  • Failing to respond when their name is called.
  • Resisting physical contact, such as hugging or holding hands, and preferring solitary play.
  • Limited eye contact and a lack of facial expressions.
  • Challenges in constructing sentences and communicating.
  • Struggles to initiate or sustain conversations.
  • Speaking in an unusual tone or rhythm.
  • Repetition of words or phrases without grasping their meaning.
  • Difficulty comprehending simple questions or instructions.

Behavior Patterns

Individuals with autism often exhibit restricted and repetitive behavior patterns, interests, or activities. Common signs include:

  • Engaging in repetitive movements like body rocking and spinning.
  • Self-injurious behaviors such as biting body parts and head-banging.
  • Need for a fixed routine, becoming distressed with even minor alterations.
  • Difficulty with coordination or displaying unusual bodily movements.
  • Hyper-focusing on object details, often without understanding their function.
  • An intense and singular fixation on a specific object or activity.
  • Specific food preferences.

As individuals with autism age, some may improve their social interactions and exhibit fewer behavioral disturbances. Those with milder forms of autism can lead lives similar to their peers. However, others may continue to face communication challenges and experience increased behavioral issues during adolescence.

To determine whether a child may have autism, it's essential to consult with a medical professional. This can provide a definitive diagnosis and set the stage for appropriate support and guidance.

Autism, in all its diversity, touches the lives of many families across the globe. As understanding of the disorder evolves, Part II of this article series will delve deeper into the causes, diagnosis, and management of autism spectrum disorder.

Stay tuned for more insightful articles on Newfemme!



Mayo Clinic Staff. (2018). Autism spectrum disorder. Mayo Clinic. [online]. 

National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities. (2022). What is Autism Spectrum Disorder? Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. [online].