5 Dampak Kesehatan Konsumsi Gula Terlalu Banyak

5 Bad Effects on Your Health by Consuming Too Much Sugar

Health 584

Nowadays, many people rely on quick processed foods to meet their daily calorie needs. Almost all processed foods use sugar as one of the ingredients. Research conducted in the United States said that it is estimated that as much as 17% of the total daily calorie intake of adults comes from sugar, and 14% for children. Whereas the recommended sugar intake should be less than 10% of total daily calories.

Here are 7 reasons why consuming too much sugar is not good for your health:

  1. Causes weight gain

Sugar-sweetened drinks such as sodas, juices, and packaged teas, contain a lot of fructose, which is a type of simple sugar. Fructose can increase hunger and the desire to eat. Consuming too much fructose can also inhibit the performance of the leptin hormone.

The leptin hormone is the hormone that is responsible for hunger and signals the body to stop eating. So, sugar-sweetened can make us consume too many calories and cause weight gain.

  1. Increase the risk of heart disease

There are many pieces of evidence that show that foods with high sugar content can lead to obesity, inflammation, and high triglycerides, as well as increases in blood pressure and blood sugar levels. All are risk factors for heart disease. In addition, consuming too much sugar has also been linked to atherosclerosis, a condition where blood vessels are blocked due to cholesterol.

  1. Cause acne

Foods with a high glycemic index value can increase blood sugar levels quickly. The glycemic index is a measure of food's carbohydrate content. Processed foods with added sugar are included in the food group with a high glycemic index, so it can significantly increase blood sugar levels and insulin levels in a person's body. These conditions lead to increased androgen secretion, oil production, and inflammation, all of which have a role in the development of acne.

  1. Increases the risk of type 2 diabetes

Obesity is a major risk factor for diabetes. Obesity itself is often caused by too much sugar intake. In addition, consumption of too much sugar in the long term can cause resistance to the hormone insulin.

Insulin is a hormone that is responsible for regulating blood sugar levels. These conditions can inhibit the performance of the insulin hormone, which can cause blood sugar levels to rise and increase the risk of diabetes.

  1. Accelerate the skin aging process

Wrinkles are a natural sign of aging. However, poor dietary choices can worsen wrinkles and accelerate the skin aging process. Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) are compounds that result from the reaction between sugar and protein in the body.

Both have an important role in the skin aging process. Eating foods that contain lots of refined carbohydrates and sugar can increase the production of AGEs, causing premature aging of the skin. AGEs damage collagen and elastin, both of which are proteins that keep skin supple and keep it looking young.

Consuming too much sugar has many negative effects on the health of the body. Therefore, we should keep sugar intake as low as possible by following a healthy diet and paying attention to balanced nutritional intake. Always pay attention to the nutritional value information label on food packaging to find out the sugar content in the food or drink that we will consume.

Don't forget to read other health articles only on Newfemme!

Sources : 

Kubala, J. (2018). 11 Reasons Why Too Much Sugar Is Bad for You. Healthline. [online]. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/too-much-sugar

Richards, L. & Kubala, J. (2021). What are high and low glycemic index foods? Medical News Today. [online].  https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/high-glycemic-index-foods