Wow, Ini Dia 5 Bahan Alami Pengganti Gula

Wow, here are 5 Natural Ingredients to Replace Sugar!

Health 848

Sugar is needed by the body. Some of its functions are as a source of energy, concentration enhancer, increase happiness hormones, and others. However, if the sugar levels are excessive, it will have a negative impact that is not good for the body. The solution is to use some natural sugar substitute. What are the sugar substitutes? The following are the explanations that are written especially for You Ladies.

1. Honey

Maybe we are already familiar with this sugar substitute, called honey. Honey is called the oldest natural sweetener in the world. Honey is a natural product that contains many valuable nutrients. This natural sweetener is produced by bees who collect nectar into flowers which are then broken down into simple sugars and stored in the honeycomb.

Honey has long been used as a healing agent in natural medicine. It has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and antibacterial properties. Honey can work as a cold medicine when mixed with ginger and warm water.

2. Stevia

Stevia is an alternative to sugar. Steviol glycosia is extracted from the South American plant species Stevia Rebaudiana. Stevia has been designated as a food additive approved by the European Union since 2011. This natural sweetener from stevia leaves has been used by various countries such as America, Japan, and Indonesia. This stevia leaf extract has a high level of sweetness, which is 50 times that of granulated sugar. However, stevia has a hypoglycemic effect and keeps the pancreas organ back to normal. Stevia also has cardiovascular benefits, such as normalizing blood pressure levels, helping cardiovascular sufferers, and regulating heart rate. Stevia is also very beneficial for digestion, which helps digestion in weight regulation and increases appetite.

3. Dates

Dates come from the Persian Gulf, from the date palm tree. Usually, dates are cultivated in oil palm plantations. Date palms generally need water and lots of sun in the summer. Dates are generally grown in Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia. Dates are rich in vitamin A, vitamin B, potassium, and sodium. The high antioxidant content makes dates also function as an anti-inflammatory. In addition, this sugar substitute also improves digestive function for those who have digestive problems such as constipation and so on.

4. Maple Syrup

Maple syrup is derived from the extract of the maple tree. Maple syrup is also known as liquid gold. Maple syrup is a natural sweetener, unlike regular sugar. This natural sweetener has fifty beneficial bioactive compounds such as antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Some of the nutritional content contained in the syrup is potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, and calcium. The darker the color of the syrup indicates the higher the concentration of the compound.

5. Agave Syrup

Agave syrup comes from the juice of the Agave plant found in Mexico. This natural sweetener has a honey-like taste but has a thinner consistency.

Keep happy and healthy, Ladies!