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Dementia: Causes, Symptoms, and Risk Factors

Health 1160

Ladies, does getting older make it easier to forget the names of people you just met? This is a small example of dementia. Dementia is a disease that causes a decrease in cognitive brain function. It can affect a person's memory and way of thinking. This condition can impact lifestyle, social skills, and daily activities. To be wiser in responding to changes that occur to yourself and those around you, here are some things you need to know about dementia.

Causes of Dementia

In general, dementia is caused by decreased brain cell function with age. In addition, dementia can also be caused by various disorders of the body's systems that attack nerve function, such as a stroke or certain types of tumors that attack the brain.

Dementia Symptoms

Dementia symptoms vary depending on the cause. However, the following are symptoms that are commonly found in people with dementia.

1. Changes in cognitive abilities: decreased memory, difficulty communicating, difficulty solving problems, difficulty in coordination and motor skills, often experiencing confusion, and difficulty recognizing places or locations.

2. Psychological changes: personality changes occur. Often depressed and anxious, often have hallucinations, often experience paranoia, and become easily offended or angry.

Risk factors that can't be changed

Many factors can contribute to dementia. However, in general, they can be grouped into two factors that cannot be changed and factors that can be changed. Three factors cannot be changed: age, family history, and Down syndrome. The risk of dementia increases with age, especially if you are over 65. But that doesn't mean younger people can't get dementia.

Risk factors you can change

1. Diet

Although no specific foods can reduce the risk of dementia, people with unhealthy eating habits are more likely to develop dementia.

2. Exercise Routine

Studies say that less physically active people have a higher risk of dementia.

3. Have cardiovascular disease

People with cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, atherosclerosis, and obesity have a higher chance of developing dementia.

4. Smoking

A smoker has a higher risk of developing dementia and diseases of the blood vessels.

5. Air pollution

Various studies on animals indicate that air pollution particles can accelerate the process of degeneration of the nervous system.

6. Drugs

Several drugs have side effects that can reduce a person's memory, including a sleeping pill containing diphenhydramine.

7. Sleep disorders

People with sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea, are at greater risk of developing dementia.


So far, no specific drug has been found to cure dementia. However, you can do several things to maintain a healthy body and mind so that you stay healthy into old age, such as staying mentally and physically active, stopping smoking, getting enough vitamin D, maintaining a healthy diet, and trying to get quality sleep.


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Mayo Clinic Staff. (2021). Dementia Mayo Clinic. [online].

Leonard, W. & Han, S. (2022). Everything to Know About Dementia. Healthline. [online].