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Here Are 6 Steps to Do If Your Breasts Feel Sore

Health 670

Breast pain sometimes appears before menstruation. If the pain is still manageable, it can be treated well in several ways. Here are 6 steps to take when breast pain persists:

1. Warm water compress
Warm water compresses can reduce pain. Most of the time, it feels comfortable after compressing it. You can compress it using warm water with a size of 300ml and a washcloth for about 10 to 20 minutes.

2. Using the right bra
Using the right bra is very necessary so that the pain reduces. Please choose the correct size provided that it should not tight.

3. Consumption of nutritious food
Your food intake should be healthy and have proper nutrition. The pain may decrease or even disappear if your food intake is healthy. First, eat foods that contain antioxidants. This can be obtained from dragon fruits, oranges, avocados, apples, kiwis, grapes, strawberries, raspberries, pomegranates, and cranberries. Second, consume side dishes that contain antioxidants, including omega-3 eggs and fish. Third, eat more green vegetables such as spinach, kale, mustard greens, beans, long beans, and broccoli. Mushrooms can also be added to a food menu for vegetables or side dishes. Low-fat foods are known to help lower estrogen levels and reduce breast pain.

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4. Healthy snacks to eat
Start to consume healthy snacks. List all healthy snacks, such as almonds, for daily consumption. Almonds can increase good nutrition and antioxidants. If women with frequent breast pain eat antioxidants often, this will bring a good impact.

5. Sports
Exercise not only boosts the body's immunity but also improves blood circulation. If blood circulation is smooth, your body will be fit. There are many different sports that you can do. The first is water sports, such as swimming, diving, and rowing. The second is physical sports without equipment, such as walking, running, aerobics and Zumba. The third is sports with equipment such as lifting dumbbells, yoga, etc. The duration to exercise every day is at least 30 minutes. People who exercise routinely tend to have good blood sugar levels, normal cholesterol levels, stable blood pressure, and positive thoughts.

6. Consult a doctor
If you have done many things but still have breast pain, the solution is to see a doctor immediately. During the examination, it will be diagnosed, and a solution is given, which can be medication or something else.

So love yourself by taking care of your health, ladies. Hopefully, ladies who experience breast pain can get well soon. Stay healthy and happy, ladies!