Efek Kontrasepsi Hormonal Yang Perlu Kamu Ketahui

Hormonal Contraceptive Effects That You Need To Know

Health 1051

Most people think hormonal contraception has only one purpose: preventing pregnancy. In fact, while it is true that hormonal contraceptives are more effective at preventing pregnancy than other forms of birth control, the effects of hormonal contraceptive use are not limited to pregnancy prevention. Hormonal contraception can be used to help treat other health problems, such as menstrual relief, skin changes, and many more, ladies!

However, the use of hormonal contraception is not without side effects. Like all drugs, there are beneficial effects and potential risks that affect each person's use differently. Before deciding to use hormonal contraception, of course, we must know the effects of its use on our bodies. Therefore, here Newfemme summarizes some of the effects of hormonal contraception that occur in our bodies:

1. Reproductive system

Estrogens and progestins can be made synthetically and used in contraception. This results in higher-than-normal levels of estrogen and progestin, which causes the ovaries to stop releasing eggs. Progestin also makes ovarian mucus thick and sticky, making it more difficult for sperm to find their way into the uterus.

2. Reduce menstrual cramps

Certain hormonal contraceptives, such as the Mirena IUD, make menstrual periods lighter and shorter, reducing cramps and other premenstrual symptoms. Therefore, contraceptives can relieve painful symptoms for people with premenstrual dysphoric disorder and endometriosis.

3. Reducing the risk of some types of cancer

The oral contraceptive pill can reduce the risk of endometrial, colorectal, and ovarian cancer. Even so, breast and cervical cancer risk are reported to increase.

4. Spotting

Spotting often occurs in people who use hormonal contraception. Spotting is more common in low-dose and low-dose forms of hormonal birth control, such as hormonal IUDs, implants, and birth control pills.

5. Cardiovascular problems

Birth control pills and patches can increase blood pressure. The synthetic hormones in birth control can also cause blood clots, although this side effect is rare.

6. Mood swings

Mood swings and depression when using contraception can occur because the body works to maintain hormone balance, so the inclusion of synthetic hormones can affect mood.

7. Migraines

Using oral contraceptives can increase migraine symptoms because estrogen can worsen migraine attacks, especially if you have had one before.

8. Changes in appetite

Changes in appetite and weight can occur when using hormonal contraception, especially for implants and injections. Meanwhile, contraceptive pills, patches, rings, and IUDs do not cause changes in body weight.

9. Nausea

Hormonal contraceptives can cause side effects such as nausea and bloating, especially in the early weeks when the body gets used to the presence of synthetic hormones. If the nausea is unbearable, you can try taking birth control pills with meals or reducing the dose of synthetic estrogen.

10. Acne

According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association, the oral contraceptive pill is an effective treatment for acne nodules, cysts, blackheads, whiteheads, and pimples. However, some people actually experience acne, and there is no change at all. This is because each woman's body and hormone levels are different, so it is difficult to predict which side effects will occur due to hormonal contraception.

Talk to your doctor if you feel that the current birth control is unsuitable for you. Being open and honest about the side effects you experience and how you feel is the first step to getting the right dose and type for what you need.


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Pietrangelo, A., & Perez, A. (2022). The Effects of Hormonal Birth Control on Your Body Healthline. [online]. https://www.healthline.com/health/birth-control-effects-on-body