Hal yang Harus Kamu Lakukan Jika Ingin Wangi Seharian

How to Keep That Lovely Fragrance All Day Long

Fashion 786

Ladies, haven't you encountered someone whose enchanting fragrance lingers even after they've left the room? Ever wondered how they maintain such a delightful and long-lasting scent that doesn't overwhelm you? While choosing the right perfume is crucial, there are other factors to consider if you want to smell divine all day long.

sumber: unsplash.com

1. Target Specific Body Points

Simply spraying perfume won't cut it! There are specific points on your body where perfume lasts longer and releases its fragrance beautifully. Apply your favorite perfume on pulse points, such as your wrists and ankles, behind your knees and ears, on your chest near the collarbones, and on the nape of your neck.

2. Mix Cologne with Perfume

Cologne contains unique ingredients that can react with your skin and create a different aroma. To prolong the scent's effect, mix cologne with your perfume. However, be mindful of balancing the scents so they complement each other instead of clashing.

3. Keep Your Skin Hydrated

Dry skin tends to absorb and dissipate perfume faster. Therefore, maintaining skin moisture is key. Apart from using lotion, stay well-hydrated by drinking enough water daily. This way, you'll keep your skin moisturized inside and out.

4. Prioritize Personal Hygiene

This is a non-negotiable and fundamental aspect of smelling great all day long! Make bathing or showering a regular practice, and always wear clean clothes. Don't skimp on laundry or skip your daily cleansing routine. Body odor occurs when sweat mixes with skin bacteria and air, resulting in an unpleasant smell.

By paying attention to these factors, ladies, you can enjoy a long-lasting and delightful fragrance that leaves a lasting impression on everyone you meet. So, let your signature scent shine through!


User NewFemme

ahmad Zaki yamani han

24 May, 2023 21:43
