Direkrut Saat Sedang Makan Pecel Lele, Nafa Salvana Jadi Model di Milan Fashion Week 2022

Nafa Salvana: From Pecel Lele to Milan Fashion Week 2022

Fashion 1036

Ladies, have you heard the remarkable story of Nafa Salvana, the Karawang native who graced the runway at Milan Fashion Week in February 2022, all because she was discovered while enjoying 'pecel lele'?

Opportunities can arise from the most unexpected places in life, and Nafa Salvana's journey is a shining example of that.

Recently, netizens on Twitter were astonished by a tweet shared by Ainur Rohman (@ainurohman). The tweet unfolded an exciting and somewhat amusing tale about Nafa Salvana, the model from Karawang.

sumber: ainurohman on Twitter

According to Ainur Rohman's tweet, it turns out that Nafa, who took the Milan Fashion Week by storm in February 2022, was initially discovered by the modeling agency while she was casually dining at a 'pecel lele' stall in Bandung! Quoting the tweet, Nafa was recruited to participate in the Milan Fashion Show in December 2021 and is currently represented by the Who Knows Model agency.

sumber: https://www.instagram.com/p/CaUmKF1MoV5/?utm_medium=copy_link

As the thread gained viral attention, people couldn't help but be fascinated and curious about Nafa's incredible journey. Nafa responded to Ainur Rohman's thread, confirming that she was recruited while enjoying 'pecel lele' near her campus.

sumber: chewmocca on Twitter

Twitter users couldn't resist asking Nafa what she was wearing at the time of her discovery. Nafa revealed she was in simple attire, just jeans and a T-shirt.

Nafa Salvana's story is a testament to life's unpredictability and the extraordinary journeys that can unfold from unexpected moments. Have any of you, ladies, experienced similarly unexpected turns of events in your lives? Share your own remarkable stories!