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Several Things That Make Children Lazy to Study, That You Must Know!

Parenting 811

All parents want their children to be smart. Various things are done from including their children for extra tutoring and making children study hard, to various other ways that are done by parents.

However, even though the children have been under pressure from their parents to study diligently. In fact, sometimes children still feel reluctant or lazy to learn. There are many factors that cause children to be lazy to learn.

This time Newfemme will discuss some of the things that cause children to be lazy to study. Here is the review:

  1. Unsupportive learning environment

According to research, a good learning environment is able to boost children's interest in learning and significantly can improve achievement.

Environmental conditions that are not supportive are very risky to make children lazy to study because they feel uncomfortable while studying.

Therefore, it is highly recommended to create a good learning environment at home and always coordinate with teachers at school to create a comfortable learning environment for children at school.

  1. Learning style

Learning style is also one of the important things that must be considered to increase children’s interest in learning. Because if the learning style at school is suitable for the child's learning style, it will increase the interest and motivation of children to learn. Meanwhile, if the learning style is not appropriate, the child will feel reluctant or lazy in learning.

Parents must play a role in finding the most appropriate learning style for children. The application of learning styles is also very influential in determining the right school for the children.

  1. Bullying

Frequently bullying is the cause of children being lazy to learn. When children experience cases of bullying in the school environment, children will feel reluctant to come to school and even make the learning process disrupted.

Therefore, the role of parents is very important in finding out and helping children in solving problems that children are experiencing at school.

  1. Emotional disorders in children

Emotional disorders are also often the main problem why children become lazy to study. Excessive anxiety or depression may be the main reason children become lazy to study.

Parents must have an emotional closeness with their children so that parents can help their children solve the problems their children are experiencing.

If the child continues to experience emotional disorders that are difficult to relieve, you are advised to take your child to professional counseling so that the problems that your child is facing can be resolved immediately.

Stay tuned for more parenting reviews from Newfemme.

Hope it helps, thanks!