Tips Sehat Bekerja di Kantor Selama Masa Pandemi

Staying Healthy While Working in the Office During the Pandemic

Health 395

In these challenging times of the COVID-19 pandemic, some of us work from home (WFH), while others must return to the office (WFO) due to the nature of their jobs. However, going out during a pandemic can be risky, so it's essential to prioritize our health, both during the commute and while at work. Interactions with others pose the most significant risk of virus transmission when we venture outside our homes. Therefore, minimising these interactions is crucial, even in the office. Here, Newfemme has compiled some key tips for staying healthy while working in the office during the pandemic:

1. Maintain Safe Distances

The coronavirus primarily spreads through respiratory droplets, so keeping a safe distance from others is paramount. Social distancing in the workplace is essential since the virus can be transmitted through coughing and sneezing within a range of up to 2 meters. Remember that some individuals carrying the virus may not display symptoms, so vigilance is necessary, even if everyone appears healthy. Avoid gathering during breaks, and wear a mask while in the office.

2. Be Mindful of High-Touch Surfaces

It's crucial to be cautious when touching frequently handled surfaces in the office, as these can become potential transmission points for the virus. To mitigate this risk, wash your hands regularly and try to minimize touching surfaces many people encounter. Always carry hand sanitizer with you, as items like door handles, elevator buttons, kitchen utensils, and electronic devices are among the surfaces most commonly touched by many in the office.

3. Maintain a Balanced Diet

Proper nutrition is key to supporting your immune system and reducing infection susceptibility. To stay safe during the pandemic, consider bringing your meals home to avoid potential exposure when buying food. Ensure your diet provides essential nutrients to keep your immune system strong and consider taking supplements to maintain your overall health.

4. Get Regular Exercise

Despite a busy work schedule, find time to engage in light exercise, even when working from home. Physical activity contributes to overall fitness and bolsters your immune system. Opt for exercise routines that don't require close contact with others, such as cardio workouts or yoga sessions at home. Online resources provide a wealth of information and tutorials on various exercise routines, making it easier than ever to stay active.

5. Prioritize Your Health

If you're not feeling well, listening to your body is crucial. Don't hesitate to ask permission to work from home if you're feeling unwell, as individuals in poor physical condition face a higher risk of contracting and spreading the virus. Consider regular health checks to monitor your well-being and promptly detect potential infections.

These tips help you stay healthy while working in the office during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your well-being is a top priority, so follow these guidelines to protect yourself and those around you. Stay safe!