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How to Gently Refuse Children's Desire

Parenting 807

Giving all the child's wishes is not a good thing to do. Because if the child can always get what he wants, the child will become spoiled in the future and lose the ability to achieve his goals. Of course, you don't want your child to be a spoiled child, right?

However, rejecting the child's wishes in a rude way and even yelling is also not a good thing to do. Children can experience trauma and even become children who often fight later in life. Then how to resist the child's wishes without traumatizing him or resisting?

This time Newfemme will discuss some ways you can gently refuse your child's wishes without making him depressed. Here is the review:

  1. Ask the reason for his desire

Many children are even angry or experience tantrums if their parents refuse their wishes. Of course, a child who has a tantrum will interfere with your activities and will even cause a scene if it happens outside the house.

Therefore, you must speak carefully to ask the reason why the child wants this. If the reason is not correct, you must be able to provide an explanation to him, as to why your wish will not be granted at this time. Communicating like this will also build good communication between children and parents in the future.

  1. Jokes with your children

If your child is whining because you don't comply with his wishes, it's better if you invite him to joke instead of scolding the child who is complaining.

By inviting your child to joke, you can divert the child's whining caused by a desire that you cannot fulfill.

  1. Communicate well

When your child whines because you can't fulfill his wishes, you can have a good talk about your reasons for resisting his wishes.

Maybe for a while, the explanation you give will have no effect on the child. However, if you continue to explain it well, over time the child will begin to understand the reason why you are still rejecting his wishes for now.

  1. Give an understanding

You need to give your child an understanding that not all desires can be fulfilled and everyone needs to make an effort to get what he wants.

If the child has started to understand this, in the future the child will be more independent and try a good way to get what he wants. This is a good thing that you can teach children from an early age.

  1. Give him what he wants as a reward if he succeeds in doing certain things

You can challenge your child to get what he wants. For example, you will give it if your child manages to get good grades in a certain subject at school or you will give it if your child helps you with house chores.

This method is the right way to build independence and discipline in children from an early age.

So, those are some ways to gently reject the child's wishes.

Read various other parenting reviews on Newfemme!

Thanks, hope it helps!