Tips Naik Kendaraan Umum Selama Pandemi COVID-19

Tips for Using Public Transportation During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Health 599

Although currently, the vaccination process has entered the booster vaccination stage this pandemic is not over yet, because vaccines can’t provide perfect protection to the body and only relieve the symptoms experienced when the body is infected.

But at this time there are still many activities that must be carried out by many people outside the home. Even though currently the spread of the Omicron variant is very high.

 Everyone should drive their vehicle during this pandemic, but not everyone owns a vehicle and still has to use public transportation.

So, many things must be considered when using public transportation during this pandemic.

The following is Newfemme's summary of tips for using public transportation safely during the COVID-19 pandemic:

  1. Make sure you are in good health

The first thing to pay attention to when using public transportation during a pandemic is to make sure you are in good health. So, you will not be infected or transmit the virus while on public transportation. If your body is not healthy, make sure not to do activities outside the home at all.

  1. Wear a mask

Always wear a mask when you’re outside. Use a cloth mask or medical mask, and don't take it off when you’re on public transportation.

Wearing a mask will protect you from viral infections and don't forget to change your mask every 8 hours.

  1. Keep your distance

Make sure to always keep your distance from other passengers while on public transportation. Indeed, this is not an easy thing to do when you are on public transportation, but this must be done for your own good.

  1. Use non-cash payments

Try to use non-cash payments during the pandemic. Non-cash payments are useful for reducing physical contact interactions with objects that are at risk of carrying viruses.

  1. Don't force yourself to enter a fully loaded transportation

During the pandemic, try not to force yourself to enter a fully loaded transportation. If the vehicle is full, of course, you will not be able to keep your distance from other passengers while in public transportation.

Those are some tips you should do if you have to take public transportation during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Stay healthy!

Thanks, hope it helps!