Test Pack Digital Lebih Akurat Ketimbang Test Pack Strip? Kata Siapa?

Is the digital test pack more accurate than the strip test pack? According to whom?

Health 386

Ladies, have you ever received a positive test pack result even though you are not pregnant, or vice versa? Don't worry; false positives or false negatives like that are often found in pregnancy tests via test packs.

Even though there is the potential for errors, test packs are very popular among expectant mothers because of their high level of accuracy. If done correctly and at the right time, the accuracy of test packs can reach almost one hundred percent.

Now, along with advances in technology, test packs are not only in the form of long paper-like strips but are also available in digital form.

What are the differences between the two?

1. How it Works

Digital test pack uses sensor technology to detect the presence of the hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in urine. The level of the hCG hormone is measured and displayed on the screen, usually in the form of words such as "pregnant" or "not pregnant."

Strip test pack also detects the level of the hCG hormone in urine. When the strip is immersed in urine containing the hCG hormone, the chemicals in the strip react to the hCG hormone by changing the lines. Two lines indicate a positive result, while one line indicates a negative result.

2. Interpretation of Results

A digital test pack is considered more accurate because the results are displayed digitally, reducing the risk of misinterpretation. It can detect pregnancy even if the level of the hCG hormone in the urine is low.

Although the strip test pack has a high level of accuracy, there is potential for misinterpretation because the results are displayed inline form, especially if the appearance could be clearer.

3. Price

The digital test pack is more expensive due to the advanced technology used, which offers higher accuracy and easier use. The strip test pack is more affordable due to simpler technology.

If you look at how they work and the technology used, digital test packs should be more accurate. Not necessarily!

Even though digital test packs use better technology than strip test packs, the accuracy of the results still depends on how the urine sample is taken, the sensitivity of the test pack, and the time of use.

So, a digital test pack does not necessarily guarantee one hundred percent accuracy because these factors still need to be considered.

Whether you use a digital test pack or a strip test pack, if the results show positive for pregnancy, you are still advised to consult an obstetrician to ensure your health and that of your future baby!

Ladies, trying to figure out where to consult? Download Newfemme now and immediately consult with an expert!