Ada Kapal Titanic di Balik Teknologi USG!

There's a Titanic Ship Behind Ultrasound Technology!

Health 307

Before the advent of ultrasound technology (USG) as we know it today, Ladies, have you ever wondered how doctors ensured the health and development of the fetus? Practically, doctors relied solely on what the mother felt inside her belly—whether there were certain effects like nausea, changes in blood pressure, and so on.

The emergence of USG in the medical field today has not only transformed how doctors observe and provide appropriate advice to keep the expectant mother healthy during pregnancy, but it has also changed the “social status” of the fetus.

Whereas the fetus was initially only personally felt by the expectant mother, now the unborn baby can be included in the family photo album, appear in advertisements for various brands, and more.

Speaking of the history of USG, did you know that the sinking of the Titanic was a catalyst for the development of today's ultrasound technology?

Early Use of Ultrasound

Yes! The tragic sinking of the Titanic due to hitting an iceberg was the main trigger that drove the development of technology to detect objects below the surface of the sea.

The outbreak of World War I shortly afterward led to the development of ultrasound technology for military purposes as well. The United States, for example, used this technology to detect enemy submarines.

In principle, ultrasound technology works by emitting high-frequency sound waves that propagate and reflect when they encounter an object.

The visualization of these reflected waves is then analyzed to determine the shape of the object. In the military, this technology is known as SONAR (Sound Navigation And Ranging).

Development of USG

It was Ian Donald, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Glasgow, and his colleague, Tom Brown, who began developing ultrasound scanning devices in the 1950s for medical purposes.

After conducting a series of research and trials, in 1963 they released the world’s first commercial sonogram.

This sonogram works in the same way as SONAR technology, by reflecting high-frequency sound waves into the womb to get a visualization of the fetus. However, its use at the time was not yet popular, and healthcare professionals who had the chance to use it were initially skeptical about its effectiveness.

Listen to what a Scottish nurse said in the 1960s:

“To this day, I still can’t believe what I saw back then. But, both the expectant mother I was caring for and I were very excited when the device actually worked. She was amazed to see her baby inside her womb!”

That’s incredible, isn’t it, Ladies?


Several decades after the initial invention, USG technology has become even more advanced. Expectant mothers can now see their babies not only in 2D visualization like the expectant mother in Scotland, but also in 3D and 4D.

While 2D and 3D USG provide static images, 4D USG can display the fetus in video form. Additionally, because the image quality has become much sharper, the fetus's movements can be seen in real-time, and abnormalities can be detected as early as possible. Thus, there are many benefits of USG examination for expectant mothers.

For Ladies who are currently pregnant, it is advisable to follow the doctor's recommendations for USG examinations.

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