Jenis Wadah yang Tidak Boleh Masuk Microwave

Types of Containers that Should Not Be Microwaved

Lifestyle 828

When using a microwave, we need to be careful about the type of container we choose. Some container materials and designs may pose a risk or damage to the microwave. Let's take a closer look at the types of containers that should be avoided for safe and efficient microwave use.

Types of Containers that Should Not Be Used in the Microwave

1. Non-Microwave-Safe Plastic Containers

Plastic containers that are not designed to be used in the microwave may contain chemicals that can be released into food when heated. Be sure to choose plastic containers that clearly say "microwave-safe" to ensure safety.

2. Non-Heatproof Styrofoam Containers

Although Styrofoam is commonly used as a disposable container, this type of container can melt or break when heated in the microwave. In addition, Styrofoam also uses harmful substances when exposed to heat. It is best to avoid using Styrofoam containers and opt for heat-resistant containers for microwave use.

3. Metal or Shiny Containers

Metal can cause splashes and damage to the microwave due to its ability to reflect microwaves. Avoid using containers or utensils with metal decorations or shiny elements when cooking in the microwave.

4. Glass Containers that are Not High Heat Resistant

Most glass containers are safe to use in the microwave, however, be sure to choose ones that can withstand high heat. Glass containers that cannot withstand high temperatures may crack or break due to rapid temperature changes.

5. Container Lids that are Too Tight

It is important to allow extra space for vapors that can form during heating in the microwave. Therefore, avoid using containers whose lids are too tight or airtight, which can lead to increased pressure inside.

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6. Containers with Metal Decorations or Elegant Accents

Some containers with metal trimmings or fancy-looking accents may not be safe to use in the microwave. Make sure to check the usage guidelines before putting any container with metal elements in the microwave.

7. Dishware Not Suitable for Microwaves

Dishes or bowls that are not designed for use in the microwave may pose a risk of breaking or damaging the microwave surface. Be sure to use utensils that are suitable and declared safe for microwave use.

By paying attention to the type of container being used, we can keep the microwave in good working order and prevent potential risks or damage. Safety and security in the kitchen should always be our top priority. So, let's be wise in choosing a container for microwaving dishes!


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