Pertimbangan Sebelum Beli Vacuum Cleaner

Considerations Before Buying a Vacuum Cleaner

Lifestyle 493

Have you ever thought of buying a vacuum cleaner for your home? No need to be shy, it's a sign that you care about the cleanliness of your home! But, before being tempted by the most expensive one or the one that claims to be the most sophisticated, let's check these considerations first.

Considerations Before Buying a Vacuum Cleaner

1. Budget!

No need to be confused, the first thing we need to do is prepare a budget to buy it. Just look at your wallet, account, or even your coin piggy bank, and don't forget to pay attention to other expenses and needs that are more "primary" in nature. A sophisticated vacuum cleaner is cool, but if it makes your pocket dry, you'll get a headache.

2. Carpet and Floor Type

Most vacuum cleaners have specific types that are suitable for certain types of carpets or floors. So, make sure your vacuum cleaner is suitable for the fur carpets or wooden floors in your home or room.

3. House Size

Why buy a super big vacuum cleaner for your office if your house isn't that big? Or vice versa, it's also not fun if the vacuum cleaner is really small for a multi-storey house. Check the size of your house first before buying and then adjust it to the specifications of the vacuum cleaner you want!

4. Special Needs

If your house is full of pet hair or dust from the creativity of children who like to use art materials, you might need a vacuum cleaner that has a special filter. Keep the air in your home clean!

5. Suction Power

Suction power is the key, bro! Don't buy a vacuum cleaner that says it's cool but the suction power is like a best friend who likes to make drama-just look, but no use.

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6. Pay Attention to Extra Features

Now, this is fun! Check out the extra features offered. There are those with anti-allergy technology, those that can go under the sofa, or those that can suck up all the water. Choose the one that suits your needs and home life.

7. Read Reviews, Don't Miss!

Don't forget to read reviews from other users. Those who already have experience using a vacuum cleaner can definitely tell you the pluses and minuses. If you're too lazy to read reviews, don't expect the vacuum cleaner to be suitable for you.

Well, that's about the considerations before buying a vacuum cleaner. Remember, this is not just a tool for cleaning, but can be a loyal household friend. So, choose wisely!


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