Lebih Buruk Mana, Lemak Jenuh atau Lemak Trans?

Which One Is Worse, Saturated Fats or Trans Fats?

Health 1006

Although both saturated fats and trans fat increase levels of low density-lipoproteins (LDL), or bad cholesterol, there is one distinct difference between these two types of fat in how they affect health. What are they? Check out the following reviews.

Why We Should Limit Our Daily Intake Of Saturated Fat?

Saturated fat can be found in animal products such as red meat, chicken, milk, and processed products (cheese, ice cream, butter, coconut milk). It is rarely known that cooking oil that was originally unsaturated fat can also turn into saturated fat when used for frying repeatedly. This kind of oil is commonly known as used cooking oil. Vegetable products containing saturated fat include coconut oil and palm oil.

Studies show that this type of fat can increase levels of low-density lipoproteins (LDL) or bad cholesterol. If consumed in excessive amounts and frequently, then the risk of plaque build-up and narrowing of blood vessels can occur. This condition will lead to heart disease and stroke.

Why We Should Limit Our Consumption Of Trans Fat?

Trans fats can be found in processed food products, fast food, and fried foods. Animal products such as red meat and dairy products also contain trans fats, although in small amounts. This fat is formed from a heating process that causes partial hydrogenation.

This type of fat is known as bad fat because this fat can cause an increase in LDL levels as well as decrease high-density-lipoproteins (HDL) levels which is known as good cholesterol, which has an impact on increasing the risk of heart disease, stroke, obesity, and even diabetes.

Which One Is Worse, Saturated Fats or Trans Fats?

Saturated fat and trans fat can cause an increase in LDL levels in our body, which affect the risk of heart disease and stroke. But there is one difference that can answer this question.

Saturated fat only works to increase LDL levels, while trans fats work to increase LDL levels while reducing HDL levels. HDL is good cholesterol which is in charge of transporting bad cholesterol to the liver to be destroyed or removed from our body. So this type of cholesterol is needed by the body to prevent plaque build-up, protect arteries, and prevent cardiovascular disease.

What Is The Safe Limit for Consuming Saturated And Trans Fats?

Although saturated fat looks better than trans fat, it doesn't mean that you should increase your consumption of saturated fat. Both of this fat still have the potential to pose a risk of disease if consumed in excessive amounts. Limit your daily consumption of fat carefully so that the body can still benefit without risking disease.

The maximum limit for saturated fat intake for men is 30 grams per day, and for women is 20 grams per day. As for trans fats, the maximum limit is 5 grams per day. And for children, it is recommended not to consume it in excess.

It would be even better if you could replace the intake of saturated fat and trans fat with healthier fats, such as unsaturated fats. This type of healthy fat can be found in avocados, nuts, seeds, olive oil, salmon, tuna, and sardines.

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