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5 Things You Should Avoid When Raising Your Kids

Parenting 829

Raising children is a very complex matter, there are many things to consider when you are raising your child. It is not easy being a parent, sometimes you find it hard to decide what to do with your child.

It is not impossible that parents make mistakes in raising their children, sometimes we as parents find it difficult to distinguish what we need and what our children need.

This time Newfemme will discuss five things you should avoid when raising your kids, here are the reviews:

  1. Vent emotions to children

Many parents even make their children a place for venting their emotions. If the child misbehaves, parents are obliged to inform and warn the child. However, there are still many parents who even vent their emotions by berating their children inappropriately.

Abusing children excessively and improperly will cause children to experience trauma and influence the child's thinking in the future.

  1. Too much comparing with the other children

One thing to remember is that no one is perfect in this world. So it is not good to compare your child with other people. In some ways, there may be indeed a child who is better than yours, but your child also has something that others do not.

If you compare your child with other children, your child will not get better. Even worse, it causes feelings of inferiority and is dangerous for children in their development period.

  1. Criticize what your children are doing

If your child does something good, try not to criticize what they do, even if they fail. Give them encouragement and help them relearn so that they can achieve better results.

  1. Expecting too much of your children

It is natural for any parent to want their child to be the best and achieve many things in life. But expecting too much beyond your children's abilities is not a good thing. In the future, when your child accepts failure, you will even be disappointed and tend to scold him or express his disappointment in the wrong way.

Always tell yourself that your child is not you and that they have the right to determine what they will do in the future.

  1. Spoiling children too much with objects

If your child wants something, don't always say yes to what it wants. Because that way, your child loses his ability to try.

So, make the things that they want as a reward for the good things they do. That way, the child will be more motivated to do and achieve many things in his life.

Those are 5 things you should avoid when raising your kids.

Don't forget to read other parenting reviews on Newfemme!