Mengenal Komunikasi I-Statement: Tips Membangun Hubungan yang Sehat

Communication is an important element in human interaction. One effective approach in communication is using "I-Statements" or self-statements. I-Statement communication is an individual's way of expressing feelings, opinions, or personal needs clearly and responsibly. This article will explain more about I-Statement communication, why it is important, and how to implement it in everyday life.


Get to Know What I-Statement Communication Is

I-Statement communication focuses on expressing feelings, opinions, or personal needs using sentences starting with "I." In an I-Statement, individuals who want to speak will deliver messages honestly and responsibly without blaming, cornering, judging, or evaluating other parties. The goal is to build better understanding, prevent conflict, and build healthy relationships.


How to Implement I-Statement Communication

  • Be Aware of Your Feelings and Needs: The first step you need to take in using I-Statement communication is to be aware of your own feelings and needs. Recognize how you feel in a situation and identify the needs that arise from those feelings.
  • Use Sentences Beginning with "I": When you want to convey a message, begin with sentences beginning with "I" or "I" to emphasize that it is a personal statement. For example, "I felt disappointed when you didn't tell me about your changed plans."
  • Express Feelings Honestly: Express feelings honestly and openly. Use appropriate words to describe the emotion you are feeling, for example, "I feel sad," "I feel frustrated," or "I feel happy."
  • Describe the Impact or Effect of the Situation: Describe how the situation affected you personally, for example, "This makes me feel unappreciated" or "This affects my emotional well-being."
  • Convey Needs or Hopes: Finally, convey your needs or expectations from the situation. Explain what you want from the other person or what is needed to improve the situation, for example, "I wish we could talk more openly about this problem" or "I need your support in this matter."


Benefits of I-Statement Communication

  • Build Better Understanding: By using I-Statement communication, others have the opportunity better to understand your perspective, feelings, and needs. This can strengthen relationships and increase understanding between individuals.
  • Preventing Unnecessary Conflicts: I-Statement communication helps prevent unnecessary conflicts. By expressing your feelings and needs honestly and responsibly, you can avoid accusing or blaming others, which can trigger conflict.
  • Building Healthy Relationships: By using I-Statement communication, you can build healthy relationships with other people. You respect their feelings and opinions while respecting and communicating your personal needs.
  • Encourages Effective Communication: I-Statement Communication encourages effective and open communication between individuals. This allows people to convey messages clearly and directly, increasing self-awareness and increasing understanding between individuals.


I-Statement communication is an effective approach to communicating with others. By applying I-Statement communication in everyday life, you can improve your communication skills and strengthen relationships with others.