Mau Beralih dari Susu Sapi? Ini Dia Alternatif yang Bisa Kamu Coba

Do You Want to Switch from Cow's Milk? Here's an Alternative You Can Try

Lifestyle 664

Cow's milk has been the main choice as a source of calcium and other important nutrients for many people for a long time. However, there has been a tendency to search for alternatives to milk from other sources in recent years. This could be due to an allergy to cow's milk, lactose intolerance, lifestyle choices (vegan or vegetarian), or a desire to try new flavors and nutrients. Here are several types of milk besides cow's milk that can be an interesting alternative for milk lovers.


Alternative to Cow's Milk

Nut Milk

Nut milk is one of the most popular alternatives to cow's milk. Nut milk can be made from various nuts, such as almonds, walnuts, cashews, and peanuts. Nut milk has a rich, creamy taste and a healthy fat content.


Soy milk

Soy milk is also a popular alternative and is commonly used in various circles of society. Soy milk is rich in vegetable protein, fiber and has little saturated fat. The taste of soy milk is generally sweet and creamy, making it suitable for drinking on its own or use in other foods and beverages.


Coconut Milk

Coconut milk is obtained from coconut meat mixed with water, then processed into milk. Coconut milk has a smooth, naturally sweet, and slightly creamy taste. In addition, coconut milk also contains healthy fats and natural electrolytes. At first glance, coconut milk and coconut cream look the same. But these two drink ingredients have differences. Unlike coconut cream, coconut milk has a more liquid texture than coconut cream, which tends to be a bit thick. Coconut milk also has a sweeter taste and aroma that is not as strong as coconut cream.


Corn Milk

Corn milk is a less well-known alternative to milk, but it's worth trying. Corn milk is made by soaking dry corn in water and grinding it. It tastes sweet and has a soft texture. Corn milk is low in fat and cholesterol, so it's perfect for those who want a low-fat option.


Oat Milk

Oat milk has become very popular in recent years. Oat milk is made from oat seed juice mixed with water and then processed. It is soft, creamy, and slightly naturally sweet. Oat milk is low in fat and contains soluble fiber, which is good for digestion.


Hemp Seed Milk

You may have never or rarely found it in Indonesia. Flaxseed milk or hemp milk is made from ground flaxseeds and mixed with water. This milk is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, protein, and fiber. The taste is rich and slightly nutty.



Wheat Milk

Oat milk is made by grinding wheat grains until smooth and treating them with water. Oat milk is rich in fiber, protein, and B complex vitamins. The taste is soft and slightly sweet.


Milk options other than cow's milk are increasingly diverse and can meet nutritional needs and individual taste preferences. It is important to remember that each type of milk alternative has different characteristics and nutritional profiles. Therefore, it is best to consult a health professional or nutritionist to ensure that the choice of milk made is according to your needs.