Mengenal dan Mengatasi Kebiasaan Toxic Productivity

Recognize and Overcome Toxic Productivity Habits

Lifestyle 798

In today's fast-paced and competitive culture, productivity is one of the main focuses of our lives. However, too much emphasis on overly productive concepts can lead to what is known as "toxic productivity." This article explains what toxic productivity is, the signs that appear, and how we can overcome negative productivity habits to live a healthy and balanced life.


What is Toxic Productivity?

Toxic productivity is the tendency to constantly feel the need to do more and achieve more without regard for balance and well-being. It often manifests as an unhealthy urge to work non-stop, constantly feeling dissatisfied with current performance, and guilt when you take a break or don't do something "productive."


Signs of a toxic productivity

  • Productivity obsession: Constantly focused on productivity and achieving more without regard for personal needs and life balance.
  • Guilt: Feeling guilty when you take a break or don't do something considered "productive," even when you need time to rest and recharge.
  • Self-esteem depends on productivity: Relates self-esteem and self-esteem to how productive a person is—feeling worthless if you don't reach the set goal.
  • Loss of life balance: Sacrificing leisure time, quality time with family and friends, or maintaining physical and mental health to maintain high productivity.


How to overcome toxic productivity

  • Awareness and self-reflection: Know the mindset and habits that drive toxic productivity. Separate personal needs and boundaries and recognize the importance of balance in life.
  • Set balanced priorities: Set realistic priorities and balance work, private life, and leisure. Set clear limits on working time and allow time to relax and do fun activities.
  • Practice self-care: Pay sufficient attention to maintaining physical and mental health. Get enough rest, exercise, get a good night's sleep and participate in activities that promote personal well-being.
  • Change perceptions of productivity: Try shifting the focus from quantity to quality. Remember that healthy productivity is not just about how much you achieve but also about efficiency, creativity, and the quality of your work.
  • Social support: Get support from loved ones such as family, friends, or colleagues. Share experiences with them and find solutions together to overcome toxic productivity.


Toxic productivity is a harmful habit that can disrupt balance and personal well-being. By addressing toxic productivity, we can strike a healthy balance and improve the overall quality of life.