Tips Menjaga Kesehatan Kaki

Tips for Maintaining Healthy Feet

Health 863

According to the American Podiatric Medical Association, most people take an average of 8,000 to 10,000 steps per day. That is why we need to take care of the limbs that are always working hard to avoid the risk of injury and pain in the legs, knees, back, and pelvis.

Because many activities are performed with the feet, taking every step can have an impact on comfort, productivity, and overall quality of life. Therefore, here are 7 tips that can be done to maintain lower body health:

1. Wear shoes according to your activities
The most important thing you can do to ensure the health of your feet is to wear shoes specifically designed for each activity. That is, you should not use running shoes if you play tennis or use heels if you have to stand or walk for a long time.

Technology is built into every pair of shoes so you can distinguish the shoes you wear when going to work, sports, leisure, or other activities to maintain healthy feet and prevent injury.

2. Always pay attention to shoe soles
How often we change shoes has a significant impact on foot health. Everyone has a different pace and style, some are fast and some are slow. So the degree of erosion of each person's shoe sole is also different.

Soles that are eroded and worn cause our feet to land in a non-ideal position with every step.

3. Limit barefoot
Walking barefoot aka barefoot is like asking for an injury. Walking barefoot on a hard surface could cause inflammation and pain because the foot is not supported.

4. Make time for a pedicure
Pedicure is not only a means of relaxation but also a good way to maintain the health of our feet, as long as we use personal tools. Using personal aids to perform foot care can reduce the risk of spreading bacteria and fungi from other people.

Schedule regular pedicures, such as clipping long toenails, because beautiful feet usually mean healthy feet.

5. Do stretches correctly and regularly
Yoga poses can improve foot health by increasing blood flow and ensuring flexibility in your fingers and ankles. Many stretches can be done to stretch the muscles in the legs, one of which is by moving your toes every morning before getting out of bed.

6. Foot massage
Massaging the feet can relax stiff muscles, improve blood flow and stretch tired feet after a day of use. Massage can be done using direct hands, using massage aids, or using existing massage services.

Since the feet are a part of the body that acts as the foundation of the body, proper and appropriate foot care can improve a person's quality of life and make everything they do easier and more productive. So don't forget to pay attention to foot health so that we keep moving forward.

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Connery, A. P. (2022). 7 Ways to Care for Your Feet (and Why It Matters). Women's Health. [online].


User NewFemme

Ririn pujianti

14 Oct, 2022 05:40

Setuju banget.. Terimakasih infonya min❤

User NewFemme


18 Oct, 2022 15:39


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Lailatul Fitriyah

19 Oct, 2022 12:32


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ahmad Zaki yamani han

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ahmad Zaki yamani han

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ahmad Zaki yamani han

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