Memaksimalkan Pertumbuhan Massa Otot

Maximizing Muscle Growth

Health 868

Ladies, if you want to lose weight while increasing muscle mass, then the best exercise option you can do is strength training or weight training. Nothing beats weight training in terms of gaining muscle mass over a certain period.

In addition, weight training can also help us to strengthen bones, control weight, improve body balance, and reduce the impact of chronic diseases such as arthritis, obesity, diabetes, to heart disease.

Mechanism of Muscle Mass Growth

Muscle fibers will grow and increase in size if you get enough exercise and nutritional intake. Myofibrils are bundles of protein in muscle fibers that help muscles contract and relax. Myofibrils will get thicker and stronger as the weight training increases. On the other hand, the sarcoplasm, or fluid around the fibers, also plays a role in increasing overall muscle mass.

After you do an exercise, such as the biceps curl, the muscle fibers will be damaged and need repair. The body will then deploy microscopic repair workers, in this case, the myofibrils and sarcoplasm, to fill and repair the muscle damage. When this process is done repeatedly, the muscles will get stronger and bigger. This process is also known as hypertrophy.

How much muscle mass can be gained in a short period?

If you are someone new to the world of weight lifting, you can start to see real results of changes in muscle mass after 3-6 months of regular exercises, of course, accompanied by appropriate nutritional intake. However, changes in physical strength and weight can be felt more quickly, even only taking a few days or weeks after following the hypertrophy program.

Factors that Drive Muscle Mass Growth

Here are four factors that can maximize muscle mass growth from weight training:

  1. Do Resistance Training Regularly

The most important step to building muscle mass is to regularly do weight training. Doing resistance training 2-3 times a week by following a hypertrophy training program has a big contribution to muscle growth, especially if you focus on large muscle groups such as the chest, back, and leg muscles.

  1. Get adequate calorie intake.

Although increasing your calorie intake, in general, can help you gain more muscle mass, protein has a significant contribution to muscle repair and growth. To maximize muscle growth, it is recommended to consume 1.6 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight in one day. For example, if you weigh 50 kg, it is advisable to consume 80 grams of protein per day if you want to get maximum results.

  1. Prioritizing Sleep

Rest, especially sleep, is the time when the muscle repair process occurs. When you don't get enough time to rest, your muscles won't be able to grow as fast. Aim to get 6-8 hours of sleep each night.

  1. Keep your body hydrated

An optimally hydrated body can improve its function better in all areas, including speeding up the process of muscle fiber repair after weight training. A person's hydration needs are influenced by activity level, body size, and the surrounding environment. An easy way to check if you are getting enough hydration is to make sure your urine is bright yellow, the clearer the better.

Each person has different abilities in terms of adding muscle mass, some are faster and some are slower. Although through the same biological mechanism, a person's genetics also influence the outcome. Men will tend to grow muscle mass faster than women because they have more testosterone.


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Sullivan, J. (2021). How Much Muscle Can You Gain In A Month? Here's How To Optimize Muscle Growth, According To A Trainer. Women's Health. [online]. 

Mayo Clinic Staff. (2021). Strength training: Get stronger, leaner, and healthier. Mayo Clinic. [online].