Jenis Infeksi Vagina yang Perlu Kamu Ketahui

Types of Vaginal Infections You Need to Know

Health 622

Vaginal pain can interfere with a woman's daily life. For example, there is pain that arises when having sex or going to the bathroom. Therefore, the first step to finding out the cause of vaginal pain is to pinpoint where the pain is coming from. This is because some women describe the lower area as the vagina, even though the pain may originate from the vulva, uterus, pelvis, or abdomen.

Wherever vaginal pain occurs, it is important to see a doctor, especially if the pain is interfering with daily activities. This is because there should be no pain in the vagina that we feel in normal conditions.

Several causes of vaginal pain can occur, one of which is caused by infection, yeast, bacteria, and sexually transmitted infections. The following is an explanation of infections that can occur in the vagina:

  1. Yeast infection

The most common symptom of a yeast infection is an itchy and burning side area. The yeast can affect the inside or outside of the vagina and can cause swelling and redness. In addition, vaginal discharge can also occur. This causes discomfort and even annoying pain.

Yeast infections can be treated with over-the-counter medications, especially if this is not the first time you have had a yeast infection. However, if this is new to you, or if these symptoms don't subside for a week after you try over-the-counter medications, you should see your doctor for an obstetrical and pelvic exam and prescribe a more suitable antifungal cream.

  1. Bacterial infection

Bacterial vaginal infections, also known as bacterial vaginosis, can also cause vaginal itching and discomfort, but the vaginal discharge may be watery and accompanied by a fishy odor. This condition is caused by an overgrowth of bacteria in the vagina.

Under normal conditions, the vagina will be populated with good bacteria that maintain the pH balance of the vaginal area. Bacterial vaginosis occurs when the good bacteria are outnumbered by the "bad" bacteria. The exact trigger is unknown, but sex and menstruation can trigger a decrease in vaginal pH. Bacterial vaginosis can be treated with antibiotics prescribed by a doctor.

  1. Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)

Any type of sexually transmitted infection, whether herpes, chlamydia, or gonorrhea can cause pain in the vaginal area. Herpes is usually related to nerves or inflammation and tends to have specific lesions that can be seen and are quite tender to the touch.

Pain from other sexually transmitted infections usually comes from generalized inflammation. This is because sexually transmitted infections cause more swelling of the vaginal tissue which tends to be sensitive to pain and discomfort as well as burning and itching.

You need to see a doctor if you experience pain and inflammation of any kind in the vaginal area. Fortunately, sexually transmitted infections have clear methods of treatment and prevention, such as taking antibiotics and using condoms. Chlamydia, gonorrhea, and other sexually transmitted infections can usually be cured with medication; while herpes, although not curable, can be managed to reduce pain and transmission.


Hopefully, this article can help you to understand what is happening to your body. However, still, consult how you feel to the doctor. If you're not sure what's going on, you can call a doctor at Newfemme!


Editors Of Women's Health. (2022). Why Does My Vagina Hurt? 12 Possible Reasons For Pain Down There, According To Doctors. Woman's Health Mag. [online].