Pengaruh Posisi Tidur Terhadap Kesehatan Tubuh

The Effect of Sleep Position on Body Health

Health 662

We all know that lack of sleep can make the body feel weak and powerless. However, if we have had enough of the recommended sleep duration, which is 7-8 hours for adults, but still don't feel refreshed when we wake up in the morning, it is necessary to evaluate to find the root of the problem.

Sleeping position may be one of the causes. The sleeping position affects our entire body from the brain to the digestive system. For this reason, in this article, we will discuss the impact of side, supine, and prone sleeping positions on the health of our bodies.

Side Sleeping

Sleeping on your left side is the sleeping position with the most benefits. One of them is to help the digestive process during sleep. When sleeping on your left side, gravity can help the movement of feces in the large intestine so that it is easier to expel when you have a bowel movement in the morning.

Some of the other benefits of side sleeping are as follows:

  1. Reduces heartburn as known as GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease).

GERD is a condition when a person experiences acid reflux (the rising of stomach contents back into the esophagus) more than twice a week. Sleeping on the left side puts the stomach and its fluids lower than the esophagus during sleep.

  1. Improve brain health.

Whether we realize it or not, it turns out that our brains also produce dirt. Sleeping on your side is believed to help the body clean the dirt. This cleansing can help reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and other neurological diseases.

  1. Reduces snoring and sleep apnea.

Sleeping on your side keeps your tongue from falling into your throat and ensures that airflow is not blocked during sleep.

Supine sleeping position

The supine sleeping position is probably the most basic sleeping position and is most often applied by most people. The benefits of sleeping on your back include keeping your spine aligned while sleeping.

In addition, the supine position can also reduce pressure on the shoulders or jaw and reduce headaches that feel tight. Sleeping on your back can also reduce discomfort by reducing pressure and pain from injury or other chronic conditions. Here are other conditions that can be alleviated by sleeping on your back:

  1. Hip pain
  2. Knee pain
  3. Arthritis or arthritis
  4. Bursitis
  5. Fibromyalgia
  6. Stuffy nose

Sleeping on the stomach

Prone or lying position with the stomach at the bottom. This sleeping position is not recommended to be applied. The only benefit of sleeping on the stomach is that it helps open airflow and reduces snoring or sleep apnea.

But the side sleeping position is a better choice. The prone sleeping position can potentially cause back pain and neck pain because the spine has to work harder to support the body's weight during sleep.

Changing sleeping position may not be an easy thing, considering that sleeping position is something that has been ingrained for years. However, placing pillows in different positions can be done as the first step to making these changes.

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Chesak, J. & Weatherspoon, D. (2018). How These 3 Sleep Positions Affect Your Gut Health. Healthline. [online].