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Why Are Chicken Eggs High in Nutrients?

Health 902

Chicken eggs are a food ingredient that can be processed into various dishes. But did you know that chicken eggs are also referred to as nature’s multivitamins? This is because chicken eggs contain many nutrients needed by the body, including unique antioxidants and nutrients for the brain. Here are some reasons why chicken eggs are among the healthiest foods in the world if processed properly.

  1. Has a very complete nutritional content

Chicken eggs have a very complete nutritional content. The nutrients in chicken eggs can meet the needs of one cell to develop into a baby chicken if a male fertilizes the egg. One large chicken egg contains vitamin B12, vitamin B2, vitamin A, vitamin B5, and selenium.

Chicken eggs also contain various vitamins and minerals needed by the human body such as calcium, potassium, folic acid, vitamin E, and many others. A large chicken egg contains 77 calories, 6 grams of good quality protein, 5 grams of fat, and some carbohydrates.

  1. Eggs can improve cholesterol profile without increasing heart disease risk

One of the reasons people avoid eating eggs is because the cholesterol content in eggs is quite high. One large egg contains about 212 milligrams of cholesterol which is a lot when compared to other foods. However, cholesterol obtained from food intake has a very minimal effect on cholesterol levels in the blood.

Our liver also produces cholesterol every day. If we consume less cholesterol, the liver will produce more cholesterol to balance it, and vice versa. Chicken eggs play a role in increasing good cholesterol (HDL) and tend to convert the bad cholesterol (LDL) into other types without increasing the risk of heart disease.

  1. Chicken eggs are rich in choline

Choline is a nutrient that is often included in the vitamin B complex group. Choline is an essential nutrient for human health and is needed for various processes in the body, including nutrition for the brain.

Lack of choline consumption is often associated with liver disorders, heart disease, and problems with the human nervous system. This nutrient is also essential for pregnant women because a lack of choline can increase the risk of neural tube defects and can decrease the baby's cognitive abilities later.

  1. Chicken eggs contain high-quality protein

Protein is the main building block of the body that plays a big role in meeting the structural and functional needs of the body. Eggs are the best source of protein from a variety of foods available. In fact, the biological value or a measure of the protein quality of food is often evaluated by comparing it with the protein content of chicken eggs.

  1. Chicken eggs contain antioxidants that play a role in maintaining eye health

There are two antioxidants in chicken eggs that are very effective for protecting eye health. The two antioxidants are lutein and zeaxanthin which are found in egg yolks.

Lutein and zeaxanthin will accumulate in the retina so that it can protect the eyes from harmful sunlight. Both antioxidants can also reduce the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts, which are major eye health problems in the elderly.

Many creations can be done by processing chicken eggs, such as fried, or boiled, into stews. But make sure that you are not consuming chicken eggs in excess because it can cause acne, increase the risk of diabetes, to hormonal imbalances. Six eggs are the maximum number of chicken eggs that are still allowed to be consumed in one week.

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Source :

Gunnars, K. (2018). 6 Reasons Why Eggs Are the Healthiest Food on the Planet. Healthline. [online].