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Chicken Satay: A Delicious and Beloved Dish

Lifestyle 878

Chicken satay is a culinary delight that never fails to captivate. Its mouthwatering taste and unique presentation make it a culinary treasure. Have you ever savored the irresistible flavors of chicken satay? It's a delightful combination of tender chicken pieces skewered onto sticks, paired with delectable soy or peanut sauce.

What exactly is chicken satay, and what makes it so cherished? How can you create the perfect chicken satay? Newfemme has the answers exclusively for you, ladies.

Internationally Adored Chicken Satay

Chicken satay isn't confined to Indonesia; it has a global following, gracing the menus of countries like Thailand, Malaysia, and Singapore. The dish truly comes to life when served with savory peanut sauce or slightly spicy soy sauce. Whether enjoyed during the day or at night, chicken satay often accompanies rice cakes or steamed rice.

Cooking Up Delicious Chicken Satay

Here's what you'll need: 600 grams of chicken breast, 4 garlic cloves, 1 teaspoon of salt, and 1 teaspoon of ground pepper. For the peanut sauce, gather 200 grams of roasted peanuts, sweet soy sauce to taste, 1 teaspoon of brown sugar, water, and salt. You'll also need spices for the ground peanut sauce, which includes 7 cayenne peppers, 4 cloves of garlic, 7 shallots, and 3 candlenuts.

The process goes like this:

  1. Start by cleaning and cubing the chicken breast. Mix the chicken pieces with seasonings, including salt, ground pepper, lime juice, and garlic powder. Allow the chicken to marinate and refrigerate for 30-60 minutes.

  2. For the peanut sauce, blend the roasted peanuts until they're finely ground. Sauté the spice ingredients and add the ground peanuts. Stir in brown sugar, sweet soy sauce, salt, and granulated sugar. Cook the mixture over medium heat until it thickens, then set it aside.

  3. Skewer the marinated chicken pieces as desired. Rub them with soy sauce and a touch of peanut sauce for extra flavor. Grill the chicken satay over medium coals; be mindful not to overheat. Once cooked, remove them and let them drain. Your delectable chicken satay with peanut sauce is now ready to be savored.

The Unique Appeal of Chicken Satay

What sets chicken satay apart is its delightful taste. The savory peanut sauce with a touch of sweetness enhances the overall flavor. Chicken satay is also a good source of protein from the chicken meat and contains vitamins B6 and E from the peanut sauce.

Calorie Count in Chicken Satay

On average, chicken satay contains approximately 225 calories per 100 grams. When paired with peanut sauce, this goes up to around 450 calories. You can easily calculate the calories using the Newfemme Application, available for download on the Play Store. With this app, all you need to do is scan a photo of your food, and it will calculate the calorie count. It's that simple!

Stay healthy and happy, ladies!