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Sibling Rivalry: 3 Important Facts Every Parent Should Know

Parenting 1479

Sibling rivalry, which often involves siblings competing for love, attention, and recognition from their parents, is a common occurrence in many families. Understanding sibling rivalry's underlying causes and dynamics can help parents navigate these challenges effectively. Here are three essential facts about sibling rivalry that every parent should be aware of:

1. Eldest Children Are More Prone to Sibling Rivalry

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It's a well-established fact that the eldest child in a family often experiences sibling rivalry more intensely. This is because, during their early years, parents typically focus their attention solely on the firstborn. When a new sibling arrives, the eldest child may feel like they are losing their territory and that their parents are no longer exclusively devoted to them. This shift in attention can trigger feelings of neglect, envy, and jealousy.

Research indicates that approximately 90% of firstborn children exhibit regressive behaviors or other problematic behaviors when a younger sibling is born. These behaviors may manifest as increased clinginess, fussiness, or other ways to regain their parents' undivided attention.

However, it's important to note that sibling rivalry can affect children of all birth orders. Second or third children can also experience jealousy and rivalry when a younger sibling enters the picture.

2. Sibling Rivalry Is More Common Among Children of the Same Gender

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Sibling rivalry tends to occur more frequently among siblings of the same gender, whether they are both boys or girls. In some cases, boys may engage in overt conflict and physical aggression when competing with their siblings. On the other hand, girls may experience rivalry marked by emotional conflicts, bossiness, and fussiness.

Although gender differences play a role in the dynamics of sibling rivalry, it's crucial for parents to focus on the impact these conflicts can have on their children's self-esteem and relationships. Sibling rivalry can lead to feelings of inferiority and resentment if not addressed appropriately.

3. Parenting Styles Can Influence Sibling Rivalry

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How parents interact with their children can significantly influence the development of sibling rivalry. Overprotective parenting styles aim to shield children from harm or discomfort and can inadvertently contribute to sibling conflicts. Overprotective parents may provide everything their child desires or excessively entertain them, leading to jealousy and rivalry, especially if one child receives more attention.

Additionally, children whose parents have experienced divorce may be more susceptible to sibling rivalry. Divorce can diminish parenting resources and create competition for attention among siblings.

As children grow and develop cognitively, physically, and emotionally, they become better equipped to understand their surroundings and navigate sibling relationships. Parents play a crucial role in addressing and mitigating sibling rivalry to ensure it doesn't persist into adulthood.

In conclusion, understanding these three facts about sibling rivalry can help parents foster healthier sibling relationships. Parents can create an environment where siblings learn to support and care for each other by providing guidance, setting boundaries, and promoting open communication.

By: Newfemme Pen Friend, Isma Saqila