5 Cara Untuk Mempercepat Proses Pemulihan Otot Setelah Berolahraga

5 Ways to Speed Up Muscle Recovery After Exercise

Health 870

One of the most important parts of exercise is rest. When we rest, we give our muscles time to heal and recover after receiving various loads and damage during a training session. Here are 5 ways that you can use to speed up the recovery process after exercise.

  1. Do Flexibility Exercises

Yoga and Pilates are two examples of exercises that you can choose, but make sure to do them with light intensity. Besides being used to stretch tired muscles, this exercise also serves to train balance, strengthen core muscles, and increase flexibility and body mobility. Flexibility and mobility are needed to prevent stiff joints due to exercise so that we can move more freely in the next training session.

  1. Soaking With Epsom Salt

In contrast to table salt, Epsom salt consists of magnesium, sulfur, and oxygen which form magnesium sulfate compounds. When mixed into warm water, the mineral magnesium and sulfur content will dissolve and can be absorbed by the body through the skin. Both of these minerals have a role to relax stiff muscles, reduce swelling and pain after exercise, and generally help the recovery process of tired muscles.

  1. Try Sports Massage

Getting regular sports massages can speed up the recovery process and improve exercise performance. By doing massage, we can get benefits such as improving blood flow, increasing muscle elasticity, and reducing pain after exercise. Communicate with the therapist regarding the parts of the body that are experiencing fatigue or pain. You can use a foam roller as an alternative tool if you don't have time for a massage at the fitness center.

  1. Get Enough Sleep

When we're sleeping, the body will repair cells and muscle tissue damaged by exercise by utilizing the muscle growth hormone produced when we are in the deep sleep phase. Without enough sleep time, the production of these hormones will be disrupted so that it can cause your muscles to remain stiff and sore even until the next day. During sleep, we also provide an opportunity for the muscles to relax so that they can release tension and reduce pain.

  1. Pay Attention to Nutritional Intake

Eating and drinking with attention to a balanced nutritional pattern is the key to the recovery process after exercise. An easy way to remember this is with the 4Rs (refuel, repair, rehydrate, and revitalize). Refuel or refill energy sources that have been used. Repair or help the process of muscle repair by eating high-protein foods. Rehydrate or replace body fluids lost during exercise by drinking mineral water or electrolyte fluids. Revitalize or help the body to recover by eating fruits and vegetables.

Ladies, don't use ambition in achieving goals as an impetus to do sports excessively and ignore rest time. Muscles will not grow and develop when we are doing sports, but it is in the recovery process that the body will prepare muscles to face the next challenge.

Don't forget to read more sports and health tips only on Newfemme!


Hoffman, A. (2021). Sleep and Muscle Growth and Recovery. Sleep. [online]. https://www.sleep.org/how-sleep-works/how-sleep-adds-muscle/

Sellens, S. (2021). 6 ways to speed up muscle recovery after training. Women’s Fitness. [online]. https://womensfitness.co.uk/fitness/speed-up-muscle-recovery-after-training/

H&PC Team. (2020). The Best Food For Muscle Recovery & Reducing DOMS. Health and Performance Collective. [online]. https://healthandperformancecollective.com/food-for-muscle-soreness-recovery/