5 Manfaat Mengkonsumsi Pangan Lokal

5 Benefits of Consuming Local Food

Health 5510

Ladies, when was the last time you visited a traditional market near your home? Traditional markets are one of the places where we can easily find local food. Consuming local food means enjoying the products of farmers and producers in the vicinity of your home. By consuming local food, we can benefit those around us. Let's see some of the benefits!

1. Fresher local food
Local food is grown or produced in the area where you live and not imported from another country like many items in supermarkets. This means local food, especially farm produce, is often fresher than non-local food. Local foods sold at farmers' markets can be picked or harvested a day or two in advance, even the morning before the market opens. Other types of local foods, such as eggs from local breeders, also tend to be fresher. Even though there are others, using the freshest ingredients is one way to make the tastiest dishes.

2. More nutritious local food
Fruit and vegetables can lose some of their nutrients during transport and processing. Some examples are vitamin C in fruits and vegetables, which degrades after harvest, and the antioxidant content that can decrease during storage. Because locally grown products usually do not have to travel far or be stored for a long time, local food retains more nutrients. However, it's important to note that all fruits and vegetables -- fresh or frozen, local or non-local -- still contain essential nutrients and are an important part of your diet.

3. Unique and distinctive local food
Indonesia has many local dishes that are unique and specific to each region. When shopping at local markets, the merchants may offer new or unique foods that only exist in that area. Some examples of unique and distinctive local foods are Gaplek (fermented sweet potato) in Yogyakarta and Dadiah (fermented buffalo milk) in Minangkabau.

4. Buying local food benefits the environment
Local food travels shorter distances to markets and stores than produce from other regions. Thus, the pollution and carbon emissions produced during the journey are less than the food that requires a long journey. In addition, many local foods, especially agricultural products, are sold unpackaged in agricultural kiosks. When shopping, we may also bring our reusable bags to take these items home to reduce packaging and plastic bags.

5. Buying local food supports the local economy
When buying local food, the money paid will likely circulate in the local economy. Local food has a multiplier effect, meaning it helps increase employment and income in the community, boosting the local economy.

The method is also quite simple to get local food, ladies. One of which is by visiting the nearest market. You can also buy directly from farmers and suppliers. Let's try to get used to consuming local food!

Also, read other articles about nutrition and health from Newfemme!

Streit, L. (2021). 7 Fantastic Benefits of Eating Local. Healthline. [online]. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/why-eat-local-food