Alkohol Dapat Menyebabkan Kenaikan Berat Badan, Ini Alasannya

Alcohol Could Cause Weight Gain. Here Is Why

Lifestyle 786

Alcohol, or ethanol, is produced through the fermentation of grains, fruits, or other carbohydrate-containing foods. With seven calories per gram, it is a significant energy source, which means that if you regularly consume it outside of your daily meals, you'll quickly notice weight gain.

The effects of alcohol on your body somewhat depend on the dosage that enters your system. Alcohol is a drug and has a depressant effect on the central nervous system. Your body simply can't process large amounts of alcohol entering your system quickly.

This is why negative effects are most pronounced when you frequently or excessively drink, as there isn't enough time for acetaldehyde to leave your bloodstream before it starts affecting your body.

Can lead to weight gain


Apart from calories, when your body processes alcohol, there's a decrease in fat burning. This makes sense since the body is focused on breaking down acetaldehyde, thereby halting the digestion of other nutrients. This means that any fat or carbohydrates you consume will be stored as body fat or glycogen.

So, it's not the alcohol you consume that is directly converted into body fat, but the additional food you consume along with it. Usually, when we drink alcohol, there's a tendency to consume unhealthy snacks.

Therefore, if you want to drink alcohol while dieting and still lose weight, avoid drinking alcohol more than once a week, watch your calorie intake, and steer clear of fatty or sugary foods when drinking.

Alcohol can also impact fitness performance

If you want to enhance your results or build more muscle, you might need to consider how much alcohol you consume, as alcohol can undermine your hard work after a fitness session.

First, alcohol is a diuretic and can cause dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. This can lead to increased fatigue along with an elevated risk of cramps and muscle tension.

Second, moderate drinking can also interfere with muscle growth. Research has shown that alcohol can affect protein synthesis, leading to reduced muscle growth, and can hinder muscle recovery.

Alcohol can also disrupt sleep. While many people consider alcohol a sedative, it tends to have a more disruptive effect on your sleep pattern.

Women usually experience the effects of alcohol more quickly than men. This is because they tend to have lower body weight than men, have less water in their bodies than men, and produce fewer alcohol dehydrogenases (enzymes that allow you to metabolize alcohol) than men.

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