Apple Bangun Pabrik di Indonesia, Beneran?

Is Apple really building a factory in Indonesia?

Technology 284

Ladies already read the latest news about Tim Cook, CEO Apple, who met President Jokowi at the Presidential Palace? Netizens were excited because Cook's visit was considered to bring a breath of fresh air to the economic growth and technological advancement in Indonesia.

So, what exactly did President Jokowi and Apple's boss discuss? Rumors say, Apple plans to build a factory here, is it true?

Come on, check out the following article!

What's Discussed?

On Wednesday (4/18/2024) morning, Tim Cook and entourage arrived at the Presidential Palace courtyard. Wearing a blue suit, Cook was welcomed directly by President Jokowi and ministers, including the Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo) Budi Arie Setiadi and the Minister of Industry (Menperin) Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita.

Quoted from CNBC Indonesia, Menkominfo said that the one-hour meeting discussed several important points, including:

1. Business Alignment

Menperin stated that Indonesia is ready to supply and manufacture Apple product components.

As a first step, he continued, the government will conduct business matching to align business interests.

Quoted from, Menperin assessed that domestic manufacturers are currently able to supply cables, batteries, and adapters that are compatible with Apple's specifications.

2. Educational Infrastructure

Menperin revealed that Apple will allocate funds of Rp1.6 trillion to build the Apple Developer Academy, Apple's educational infrastructure.

Currently, Apple has established three Apple Developer Academies in Indonesia, namely in Surabaya, Batam, and Tangerang Selatan. The plan is to expand the coverage of the Apple Developer Academy to Bali.

The opening of the Apple Developer Academy in Bali will also expand Apple's investment in Indonesia and increase opportunities for developers, students, and entrepreneurs who want to start their careers in the iOS application industry.

Is Apple Really Planning to Build a Factory?

In addition to the two discussions above, President Jokowi also wants Apple to build its factory in Indonesia. In a press conference session, Cook said he would consider the request.

"The President discussed his desire for [Apple] to build a factory in this country, and we will consider it," he said.

Although they delayed investment in Indonesia in 2016, Cook said there were no regulatory issues. He also considered Indonesia's environmental commitment to have a positive impact on the business climate.

However, despite the potential resources and business climate in Indonesia, Cook has not confirmed that Apple will build a factory here.

Menperin himself stated that the construction of an Apple factory in Indonesia is still in the planning stage.

"So, for anyone who is just starting out, it takes time, but it's not impossible. Earlier, Tim Cook also said they are willing and eager to do it in Indonesia," said Menperin.

Well, although it cannot be confirmed 100% at this time, hopefully, one day Apple will indeed realize the plan to build a factory in Indonesia, Ladies!

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