Ibu Hamil Boleh Menerima Vaksin COVID-19, Asal Memenuhi Syarat Ini

Pregnant Women Can Receive the COVID-19 Vaccine, as long as They Meet These Conditions

Health 837

A person who receives the vaccine will get specific immunity against certain diseases so that the risk of developing severe symptoms of the disease can decrease. The government is now carrying out COVID-19 vaccinations to reduce the risk of transmission and achieve herd immunity.

The COVID-19 vaccination is no exception for groups of pregnant women. Given the weakened immune system during pregnancy, COVID-19 infection can occur at any time. However, the provision of vaccines for pregnant women can’t be done arbitrarily. Before receiving the vaccine, pregnant women need to pay attention to the following factors.

Conditions for pregnant women to receive the COVID-19 vaccine

Although the symptoms experienced by pregnant women when infected with COVID-19 are generally the same as other sufferers, pregnant women who have congenital diseases can be at risk of experiencing more severe symptoms. In addition, COVID-19 infection in pregnant women is also at risk of premature labor, miscarriage, and even death.

Factors such as the health conditions of the mother and fetus, the gestational age that is still too young, and other health problems need to be considered before receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. Based on Circular HK.02.01/I/2007/2021, the following are some of the conditions for a pregnant woman to be allowed to receive the COVID-19 vaccine:

  1. Pregnant women who have blood pressure above 140/90 mmHg are not recommended to have the Covid-19 vaccination and are referred to the hospital
  2. Pregnant women who have symptoms such as swollen feet, headache, heartburn, and blurred vision will be reviewed for vaccination and referred to a hospital
  3. If you have heart disease, asthma, diabetes, lung disease, HIV, hyperthyroidism, chronic kidney disease, and liver disease, your health condition must be under control.
  4. If you have an autoimmune disease, it must be under controlled conditions and get a doctor's approval
  5. If you have a history of severe allergies, you should get special monitoring especially after getting vaccinated to anticipate the emergence of side effects.
  6. If pregnant women are receiving treatment for blood clotting disorders, blood disorders, immune deficiencies, recipients of blood transfusions, receiving corticosteroid treatment or chemotherapy, the vaccination will be postponed and the pregnant woman is referred to the hospital.

Effects of the COVID-19 vaccine on pregnant women

Currently, the most widely used types of COVID-19 vaccines in Indonesia are the Sinovac vaccine produced by China and the AstraZeneca vaccine from the UK. This vaccine is made of inactivated virus.

Vaccines containing the inactivated virus have been used for more than 50 years in pregnant women and nursing mothers, without causing harmful side effects. Therefore, in general, vaccines derived from inactivating this virus can be said to be safe for pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers.

Meanwhile, research evidence shows that the vaccines made by Moderna and Pfizer are most likely safe to be given to pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers. Both types of vaccines are made by the mRNA method. This type of vaccine does not contain a virus, but a genetic component that has been specifically designed to resemble the genetic material of a virus. These components will later produce an immune reaction against the Coronavirus and afterward will be destroyed.

The mRNA vaccine is known to be safer for the fetus. This is because the vaccine will not cross the placenta, but the antibodies formed in the mother's body can still be transferred through the placenta. Antibodies obtained from the mother's body will cause the fetus to get immunity to the Coronavirus until the birth process.

The right time for COVID-19 vaccination for pregnant women

Based on the decision of the Indonesian Ministry of Health, the implementation of vaccination for pregnant women can use three types of COVID-19 vaccines, namely Pfizer, Moderna, and Sinovac. The first dose will be started in the second trimester of pregnancy and the second dose will be given according to the interval of the vaccine type.

Still, confused about planning a COVID-19 vaccination during pregnancy? You can consult a doctor to check the condition of your pregnancy and determine whether you can be vaccinated or not. Immediately book an appointment through the Newfemme application for the convenience of chatting with doctors from home.