Sandwich Kamu Gitu-Gitu Aja? Yuk Buat Jadi Lebih Sehat!

Is Your Sandwich Just So-So? Let's Make It Healthier!

Health 472

Sandwich containing only scrambled eggs and sauce is not enough to make your meal menu nutritionally balanced. Check out the tips below to make it healthier!

1. Choose Low-Fat Protein

The usual sandwich filling is scrambled eggs, but you can also use crispy chicken breast or lean roasted meat (smoked beef). Animal protein is an important secret ingredient, but make sure to use healthier versions. For example, slices of chicken breast, turkey, eggs, lean meat, canned tuna, or salmon. If you want to make a sweet version of the sandwich, use natural peanut or almond butter (with minimal added ingredients).

2. Fill with Vegetables

When making sandwiches, we rarely add vegetables to them. However, these ingredients can add texture and freshness. Therefore, try adding slices of cucumber, tomato, lettuce, onion, bell pepper, or your favorite vegetables. If you want to make a sweet sandwich, use fresh sweet fruits instead. For example, strawberries, apples, pears, watermelon, or thinly sliced ​​melon.

Make sure not to forget fresh vegetables or fruits.

3. Pay Attention to the Sauce Used

Sandwiches can feel empty without sauces like chili sauce, tomato sauce, mayonnaise, or even barbecue sauce. In fact, these sauces usually contain high calories, fat, sugar, and salt. If you still want to use them, apply them more thinly.

However, if you want the sandwich to be even healthier, try replacing the products used, such as low-fat mayonnaise, mustard, salad dressing, or by adding slices of avocado (although it is fatty, it is monounsaturated fat, aka healthy fat). If you want a sweet sandwich, use yogurt. This way, the sandwich remains rich in flavor and moist.

4. Use Whole Wheat Bread

Generally, the bread used for sandwiches is white bread (made from refined flour). However, to make this food more filling and nutritious, choose the right bread, such as whole wheat bread rich in fiber. This is because fiber-rich foods can make you feel full longer and reduce spikes in blood sugar.

Use whole wheat bread.

5. Control Portions

Finally, one strategy to make sandwiches healthier is to control the portions. If possible, avoid buying jumbo or even monster-sized sandwiches. Another way, if the bread is thick, set aside one of the slices. A better strategy for portion control is to make it yourself at home.

Additional Strategies

  1. Make sure the cheese product used is a healthier version, such as feta or mozzarella cheese instead of processed cheese.
  2. Bake it properly, for example by toasting the bread first before filling it. This is done to avoid using too much butter in the sandwich.
  3. Avoid pre-made sandwiches.

To get a healthier sandwich, you can make it yourself at home. This is because you can control the ingredients used. But if you don't have time, go to places where you can choose the ingredients yourself. You know what I mean, Ladies? A healthy sandwich doesn't have to be high in calories, fat, or even sugar!

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