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Reasons Why We Shouldn't Eat Charred Food Often

Health 391

Usually, we use charcoal as a source of heat to burn or grill something, whether it's charcoal from coconut shells or briquettes. Actually, charcoal itself is not carcinogenic, but using it in the food processing process is related to cancer.

What is a carcinogenic substance? Carcinogenic substances are substances that can trigger the growth of cancer cells, where the source can come from inhaled air or consumed food or drinks. When we cook food at high temperatures and produce a lot of smoke, the exposure to carcinogenic substances to the body increases.

Foods That Are Often Grilled

Of course, we all know that foods that are often grilled, for example, are meat (such as steak or all you can eat) and chicken (such as grilled chicken or roasted chicken). However, the variations of the food are not only that. Examples of foods that are often processed by grilling or baking include catfish, various types of fish, meatballs, tofu, seafood, and even marshmallows.

How to Minimize the Formation of Carcinogenic Substances

Certainly, it will be difficult if we completely avoid consuming grilled or baked foods. We cannot deny that it tastes delicious, coupled with the smoky aroma that enhances the appetite. To reduce the formation of carcinogenic substances, some strategies that can be done are:

  • Cooking at a lower temperature, even though the processing time tends to be longer
  • Using a gas grill instead of using charcoal (gas grills use lower temperatures and produce less smoke, so they are considered safer)
  • Making sure the fire is out before placing the food on the grill

Tips for Eating Grilled Food but Still Healthy

We don't have to completely avoid grilled or baked foods. This method of processing has become part of our daily eating habits. Therefore, the best strategy to apply to still enjoy the deliciousness of these foods is by making the menu nutritious and balanced. Follow these tips!

  1. Pay attention to portion sizes (excessive amounts are not good)
  2. Cut the food into smaller pieces
  3. Divide one plate into 4 parts: ⅔ of ½ of the plate for staple foods with the remaining ⅓ for side dishes; then ⅔ of another ½ of the plate for vegetables with the remaining ⅓ for fruits. Through this method (My Plate), you can still enjoy the deliciousness of grilled meat or chicken.
  4. Add spices to the processing

Remember that moderation is the key to life. It is not only related to work and personal life, but also to the food and drinks consumed. For healthy people, apply My Plate. However, for a cancer patient (for example, breast cancer), the restrictions may be stricter than for healthy people.

So, consuming grilled or baked foods can indeed increase the risk of cancer (but not necessarily all). This is because the processing process causes the emergence of carcinogenic substances. It's okay once in a while, as long as it is balanced with fruits and vegetables. How about it, Ladies? Is the information interesting?

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